<p>that all the freshman dorms are situated on the Newton Campus, which is a bus ride away from the main campus and all freshman classes.</p>
<p>Is this true? Is it a real pitfall? I would like to have been closer (walking distance) from my classes although i absolutely love everything else about BC.</p>
<p>Does anyone know approx how long the ride is?!?!?!?!</p>
<p>no, not all the dorms are there. some freshman dorms are located on upper campus. it’s a short bus ride, and i’ve heard that the newton community becomes really really close because they live together. and apparently the dorms on newton are wayyy nicer.</p>
<p>My son lives on Newton and he likes it there, even though he originally wanted to be on Upper Campus. He likes the fact that it’s quieter there and has more open grassy areas for throwing frisbees and impromptu soccer games. He’s also met lots of different people waiting for and riding the buses.</p>
<p>The bus ride to the main campus takes less than 10 minutes.</p>
<p>worried mom… do you mind sharing what major your son is going for and his views on it? and is there anything about the school that he doesn’t like?
<p>Since BC is around Harvard, MIT, and Amherst, I’ve heard from lots of people that it’s easy to be looked down upon by some of the kids from those schools(not saying bc isn’t a good school; it’s just that those are way too over the top). Is this evident daily? I really hate being looked down.</p>
<p>Actually, BC in Chestnut Hill is not located anywhere near Amherst – 2 hr. drive.</p>
<p>Obviously, BC is not in the same league with Harvard, MIT, or Amherst. You do know that -right? That said, it’s a great school and isn’t looked down on by anyone, except maybe kids at the aformentioned schools (and that school out in South Bend)! It’s law school, nursing school, and Carroll School of Management are all highly regarded within the City of Boston and connections are plentiful in Boston.</p>
<p>Naturally, if you got into Harvard, MIT, or Amherst, you’d be crazy not to go – but for the other 98% of students out there, BC sure is desireable.</p>
<p>Younger D is a senior at BC. She lived on Newton Campus and loved living there. In fact, she requested to be placed there. In addition to nice dorms, the food at the Newton Campus dining hall is really good. As for being looked down on, I have never seen a more confident group of young people in my life than students at BC. The opportunities at BC are endless and the connections are great. I just spoke to a woman a few days ago whose daughter went to Harvard and the daughter hated going to school there. She stayed because, after all, it’s Harvard, but isn’t that a crazy reason? The woman said her daughter wishes she had gone to BC instead. Be proud of where you go to school and if you are happy and are getting a good education, then that’s all that counts. Go Eagles!!</p>
<p>As for the poster whose friend’s daughter goes to Harvard and “doesn’t like it,” well . . . that happens at every school. But Harvard is still Harvard. And BC is BC. No offense.</p>
<p>Way to generalize “the religious”. There are plenty of conservative religious people, but there are also plenty of people who believe believe in God in very different ways and are also “religious”.</p>
<p>And undergrad Harvard is great, but you can get just as great of an education at a dozen other schools. People choose Harvard because of the name and so, yeah, many are not happy. That’s definitely not the reason to pick a school.</p>
<p>I meant “religious” as just that, the actually ordained people.</p>
<p>Listen, not trying to stir-up up ire here, just trying to say that students should be confident enough in themselves to be happy at whatever school they attend and not be “depressed” if another nearby college happens to be what many in this country and beyond deem to be the pinnacle of higher learning - Harvard. It’s just sad when I hear people always trying to say how “BC (or any other school) is ‘just as good’ as Harvard.” Me thinks thou dost protest too much. You don’t see kids from Harvard saying the same, that’s because they know they’re at the top.</p>
<p>So have a little more pride, be happy knowing you’re going to a very good school, and stop looking at ways to compare yourselves to other colleges.</p>
<p>the original question was concerning the newton campus and freshman dorm setups, all of this “looking down upon” garbage can be debated somewhere else. thank you=]</p>
<p>I am not denying Harvard is a great university. I am aware, however, that it too has flaws and problems, despite being “number one”. I am also aware that colleges do not exist in a vacumn and they are subject to change, both positive and negative.</p>
<p>For its part, BC has come along way since its founding days, when it was the Irishman’s answer to the very real and painful fact that he was not welcome at “Fair” Harvard. There is a history between the two colleges there that is very complex and quite ugly. </p>
<p>That BC has “pulled itself up by its bootstraps” in the face of heavy anti-Catholic, anti-Irish and anti-immigrant sentiments from the then establishment in Boston – of which Harvard played a very central role – is admirable testimony to the steady resolve shown by BC and her Irish-American supporters.</p>
<p>Now, finally, after generations of struggle to keep BC afloat it has, through excellent management, found an appreciable measure of financial success, that ensures that its programs and quality of its offerings are close to the top colleges’, the people across the river are quietly accepting (if grudgingly) its new perch in higher education – one that is long ovedue at that! </p>
<p>So, try to not be so ignorant as to pretend that BC is where it was a generation or two ago – what that does is put you in the past – and I am sure you think more of yourself than that!</p>
<p>So, leanid, I wonder if this is why BC now has the reputation among people who live near to Boston that they don’t want any white, Catholic, local townies applying anymore? I was going to apply (I go to a local high school within 20 miles of BC, and I think my stats are in line) and my guidance counselor said don’t bother. He said BC puts apps into two piles – one marked “Mass.” and the other “Everyplace Else” and then pretty much only takes a few from the Mass. pile (maybe one kid from a school if lucky). He said it’s openly discussed among the guidance people he talks to at other Mass. schools that BC is a waste of the $75 they charge to apply. I ignored him and applied – mainly cuz I’m in love with the place – and I’m awaiting my EA this week (oh i hope!!) but I guess based on what he said and based on your posting, I’m not holding out much hope at this point…</p>
<p>Ha, I just realized. Maybe that’s how BC got to be closer to Harvard in status? By looking down on the same people Harvard used to !? That would be horrible but LOLz that’s life I guess.</p>
<p>How is the science program at BC, specifically are they known for a good pre-med program, and do they have early acceptance into medical into med schools?</p>
<p>You have a good attitude and you may be right about the change in who BC accepts.
I know for myself I would NEVER get in at BC today if I applied with the stats I had back in the early 70’s. </p>
<p>So, besides reaching out to a wider market, as you indicated, BC has made its acceptance standards much more stringent based on academics. Not that academics weren’t tough before – they were – it’s just that now BC has popularity coupled with a sound fiscal structure, which allows it to be much more selective.</p>
<p>I hope you are accepted if you apply. Again, you have a good attitude about the whole game…</p>