The right choice?


<p>I have been accepted to NYU-Poly for chemical engineering, Chemistry at Purdue, and chemical engineering at U. Wyoming. These are the schools that have ended up in my list for attendance. However, NYU is very expensive and U Wyoming is not that recognized. I am about to accept the offer of admissions at Purdue, but I am wondering if it is a good choice? My plan is to transfer from Chemistry to ChE next year at Purdue but I need to know that this is a good choice. My heart was with NYU, but the finances are way too much!</p>

<p>Please help me out ;-)</p>

<p>Thank You</p>



<p>I think NYU does not worth that…u know if you are doing bus. then go to NYU~ good place, good opportunity, after you grad. you will find a fancy job…but for Engineering, I’d choose Purdue…
one thing, just make sure, if you can transfer to ChemE from Chem major in Purdue(you wanne Chem E right?><") Purdue holds really good reputation for its engineering major, and I know that lots company and employer love Purdue Engineering student
btw.Purdue sends lots ppl to really good grad school(such as MIT, Stanford, Caltech)
If you really love NY, and your parents can pay the tuition, you can go
but if I were you, I will definitely choose Purdue</p>

<p>good luck with your choice~
best wishes~~~^^</p>

<p>I’m about to accept the offer of admission at Purdue too. I got accepted to NYUPoly(12k/year), Drexel University(20k/year) and Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech(waiting for the scholarship letter. hope i can get enough to choose it over others). btw If you’re going to pay same amount of money for both, I’d go to Purdue. But if Poly is way cheaper, you may consider it.</p>

<p>Hey thanks pppz, and FURKANK I am getting 28,000 per year at Poly but I will be paying 19,544 for Poly and 14,660 at Purdue…You know I am also on myPurude wanting to click on accept admissions but I feel that I am not quite there yet… and well I don’t want to incurr to much debt before grad school. I checked and I can transfer into ChE since I will be taking the exact same classes as a ChE for the first year… choice is tough!!! You know what FURKANK, I hope were Purdue classmates lol what is your major btw?</p>


<p>I’m a FYE student and I’ll go with Electrical Engineering. Btw just to inform you a bit more, poly isn’t in manhattan. it’s in brooklyn and the neighborhood isn’t nice. the school we’re talking about is poly - it isn’t nyu- which is 40-50minutes away from the city of manhattan. when I visited poly’s campus, in the subway, there were two wanted posters of criminals that robbed cafes and people. did you see the campus of poly?</p>

<p>it’s still the nicest part of Brooklyn, arguably. it’s the “fancy” part. I think it’s nicer than the general Greenwich village area surrounding NYU proper, but to each his own.</p>

<p>One more thing to say, Purdue is cheaper, so I don’t see a single reason to turn down their offer. And you know you can always ‘‘google’’ and see how different schools they are. You can always pm me about both schools. btw I visited Poly twice. Though static75 is a student at poly, she would know more than me.</p>

<p>Well I know about the location and I have been to Poly and its not that bad in my opinion. However, Purude… WOW! Though I will have to transfer from Chemistry in a semester or two to ChE. The i2i intro 1 and 2 courses I will have to also take on top of chemistry major courses since I will be registered as ChE after one or two terms. Plus I am wanting to take summer courses to get out of college as soon as possible, and Purdue is very good about that and putting me on the right track for what I want to accomplish in life. I don’t know if its worth me shelling out an extra ~$6,000 for poly or not…(btw I have not accepted my offer on myPurdue which I may do today lol- if I come up with a good plan of study there if not I guess its to Poly where I’ll go…Where are you coming from FURKANK?)</p>

<p>I’m indeed international and specifically from Istanbul, Turkey. But I lived in Manhattan over a year. So I was able to visit many schools.</p>

<p>Excellent! But, what do you think is that a sound plan?- Me going into B.S. Chemistry with the intent to transfer into ChE in one or two semesters? I just need to know that I won’t over load myself and after a lot of thought I have come to the conclusion that what I really want to be is a ChE… You know what forget Poly, Purdue is much more recognized than Poly and probably a ChE from Purdue would get a job over a Poly ChE… Have you paid your deposit at Purdue?</p>

<p>I think it’s quite feasible. I’ve read the major discussion on facebook about how easy switching majors at Purdue is. And this process must be even easier for you since you’re just switching majors between Chemi and ChE.</p>

<p>Wow, I will see you at Purdue then! I will get my parents to loan me the money to accept the offer and off to Purdue I will go! Are you thinking of going to Boiler Gold Rush? OMG, this is very exciting. Have you been there? The campus is really awesome…</p>

<p>Yea, see you there! Nope, I’m in my country now. I wish I could join though. Unfortunately, I couldn’t visit the campus but I saw hundreds of photos. My only concern is the weather. I know winter is frigid there but I don’t know how the campus is during other seasons?</p>

<p>If you do plan on going to Purdue, try emailing admissions and try changing your major now. When I applied, I applied as Undecided in the College of Science. But by the spring, I wanted to do engineering, and all I did was call and ask them if I could switch. There was no hassle at all, and they switched majors for me.</p>

<p>Helloiam, I need to stay in Chemistry at the College of Science at least for a semester before I can transfer into engineering, so I guess I will do what you did!(so they can see my grades by the end of one or two terms) Thanks for your answer, how do you like purdue engineering? What about the school?</p>

<p>@chemE2014 </p>

<p>call Purdue right now and ask if you can change your major right now. I heard some other people did that too = )</p>

<p>Well thats what they told me especially since ChE was full this year, so basically their expectation is that people will drop out FYE by 1st or 2nd semester and room will open up- since many kids do… But they told me it would not be too difficult just that I would need to make one class up over the summer, but anyhow I know I can get into ChE there in one or two semesters…</p>

<p>I am doing the CODO transfer too, but you seem a lot more confident than I do.</p>