The Suspense is killing my son

<p>Does anyone know how BW does their acceptances? Do they send them out to anyone they may want or do they only send out a couple and keep everyone else till the end when all of the auditions are over? Do they use any type of wait list system? Also like cellomom said I really hope they don’t run out of spots by February 15, cause that’s when my audition is. I really don’t want them to have another “me” before I get my shot!</p>

<p>As far as I know you are accepted, rejected or waitlisted. All people that auditioned in November will hear one of those this week. All other notications are sent by 3/6.</p>

<p>Hello guys, </p>

<p>This is ChicagoSon’s actual son! Haha. It’s really weird being on here. I just wanted to share a piece of advice for you guys when dealing with college admissions. Getting the acceptance or deny us not the hardest part. The waiting part is. Your mind starts to fill with self doubt and you start second guessing the choices you made in the audition room months after you felt like you did a good job. This probably the worst and most excruciating part of this whole process. And as parents, you have to be right there with them telling them that they did they’re best and that’s all they can take with them. Also, don’t let them scroll the internet to find out who got in or where people got in. Not only are they worrying themselves more, but they’re putting more pressure on themselves. I know with this being my top school I want to go to ( and I regret it), I have been on twitter searching who got in. And it has made me even more anxious than I have been on months. And when the letter comes, let them open it up by themselves. If it’s a rejection, it’s very awkward to have mom and dad sitting right there smiling and with a camera. But also be there for them afterwards. I think most kids realize how many amazing kids as well as them are auditioning for this program and that it reflects nothing in their talent. Sorry for my huge rant. Just some thinking I’ve been doing</p>

<p>Thanks for the words ChicagoSon’s Son! But you know that our kids are going to search twitter, instagram and Facebook to see who got in! You’re right the waiting is excruciating for us parents too. Good luck to you this audition season!</p>

<p>You can search twitter! I did not need to know that! Thanks for sharing Chicagoson’s son, you bring up very valuable insight and advice. Its a hard process all the way around and us parents just want you all to be happy. I do believe you will all end up exactly where you are meant to be, if its not BW there is a reason for it. BEST of luck to you!!</p>

<p>Nothing arrived in our mail today, the wait continues</p>

<p>Nothing here either. I thought we would hear yes, no or wait list.</p>

<p>We got a letter. Neither an acceptance nor denied. They said they want to see his 7th semester transcripts before they make a final decision. So they know whether or not if he got in but can’t tell us until they admit him academically. So we have different opinions about what they could mean. Have you guys ever heard about this?</p>

<p>Ughh your poor son!! I’m not sure what it could mean.</p>

<p>Well, it’s not a rejection. Everything that’s not a rejection is good. IMHO. Good luck!</p>

<p>We are visiting Baldwin-Wallace on Thursday. I was hoping grades weren’t too big an issue there. But the letter that ChicagoSon received makes me think otherwise. I hope my son doesn’t get too attached!</p>

<p>MtMajorCook I know! We think that if it was a flat out rejection from the MT program that they wouldn’t even think twice about admitting him academically. </p>

<p>Flossy is right! Hope is still alive! Haha</p>

<p>dcsparent - ■■■■■■■■■■ is a wonderful site that will give you an idea of what the college itself is looking for in a student with regard to grades, standardized test scores, etc. It’s my second favorite college related site!!</p>

<p>ChicagoSon, absolutely right! I say they don’t need to see yet another piece of information if they were going to tell him no!! KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!</p>

<p>The grades thing is a shocker! I’m glad my S has some academic acceptances in already. He’s not having his best semester currently.</p>

<p>GSOMTMom, thank you so much. He’s now at the point where he doesn’t care anymore. He just wants to know. So he refuses to look at CC. He’s just going to enjoy the holidays and move on. </p>

<p>RedScropion6:Yes I know. My son has gotten some academic acceptances as well so we were shocked when we got the letter. But we expected it due to his medical history and how it affected him at school for some of the schools he applied to.</p>

<p>Nothing in the mail today either, one day closer to the day it will arrive LOL</p>

<p>We got a wait list here</p>

<p>Well that is much better than a “no” ChicagoSon. How does S feel about it?</p>

<p>He’s perfectly fine with it. It was his top choice but he’s content with all the other schools he’s applying to. Tbh, he’ll be happy anywhere he goes. As long as he gets to do what he loves, he’ll be fine</p>