The theme of my essay hinges on me being able to start a club

Hey guys,

The theme I really want to write about for at least one prompt is video games. The general points would be:

-Video games taught me work ethic/study habits(I used to be really competitive and would study pros, practice certain moves etc.)

-I was homeschooled until almost junior high, and I was able to make my first friends through talking about video games

Where does the club come in? It sounds like you can write about your experience with video games without starting a club :slight_smile:

Yikes, the last part of my post got cut out somehow.

I feel like what I have so far is good but generic. To show that I took this enthusiasm and did something with it, I wanted to talk about how I started a club that would bring the benefits that video games gave me to others. By doing this, I would show how I was willing to actively try to do something. This club would have tournaments and would serve as a friendly competitive community that would bring together players and help them improve themselves. However, our proposal got turned down by the admins due to excessive video game violence. I have a copy of the club proposal if anyone wants to see it. We “appealed” its creation, but I do not have high hopes.

Is there any way to make this essay stand out more and show how I took initiative or something?

Hmm try more Nintendo and rated E games for the club ;)?

But the essay is fine. Lots of ppl have “bland” topics abt everyday things. It’s up to you and your personality to make ordinary topics exciting or interesting.

You could play non violent games and serious games.

Anyway the essay sounds fine without the club, and discussing the proposal, being turned down, having to change the proposal for the appeal would make an equally interesting narrative.

So you want to write about a club you’re planning to start, but haven’t done yet?

To me, it smacks of resume building- of doing something at the last minute to beef up an otherwise weak resume.

^ I think op was trying for a concrete conclusion, not seeing it’s resolution was already there (rewriting the proposal). :slight_smile:

@InBread : take edx or coursera class on serious games, especially lesson on theory of gaming, + watch the crash course class on games on YouTube. You may also want to read about how some non college educated young men are opting out of work to play video games…

Gaming for you (and many others) has been a positive thing that helped you build life skills. I totally get that. Unfortunately, it’s an activity that school officials have to be very wary about officially sanctioning. I totally get that too.

Your school has to consider things like the dangers of gaming addiction and the misogynistic violence that’s built into many game series. Even if you pitched your club as responsible, non-violent, and inclusive, it’s going to be a difficult sell.

That said, I think that it sounds like an excellent essay topic for you. I like that you want to close your essay with an example of something you’ve done to help other people benefit from gaming the way you have. You may just need to find a different approach than a school-based club.