<p>I have gotten mixed messages from people who "know" U. of Chicago. How much do test scores matter? I could probably be an ivy-league candidate if it weren't for my sub-par test scores. Whenever I mention this on here people always refer me to the U.of Chi website that averages the score, but realistically, would low 700s SATIIs and 30 on ACT be competitive or at least give me a shot?? I am well-rounded and everything else...if it weren't for these tests! Help!</p>
<p>Chicago doesn't care at all about SAT IIs. You don't have to submit them if you don't want to.</p>
<p>30 will definitely give you a shot. It will at Brown, Penn, Cornell, and Columbia too, all of which routinely accept slightly lower-scorers on the ACT (and the SAT) than UChicago. Columbia is actually a very similar school that is significantly more lenient, it would appear, on ACT scores (UChi: 29-33 ColU: 27-32) Columbia also only requires two SAT II's. Just study your butt off and take the october SAT II's. The scores are easier to improve than the SAT 1 score. If you have good EC's, you will have a very strong shot at that school.</p>
<p><em>to Esquared</em> hahaha...not</p>
<p>thanks everyone -BUT- Esquared for your kind, thoughtful, and truly insightful responses, comments, and proclamations.</p>
<p>Well on behalf of all the people who weren't thanked.....You're Welcome.</p>
<p>My subscores were 35 English, 34 Reading, I think 27 or 29 math and 26 or something on Science. Obviously my academic strenghts and weaknesses are completely transparent looking at these scores, but would U. Chicago take a low science or math score (like mine) seriously if the others were really good?</p>
<p>lol your scores are weighted much like my own...I'm almost positive that schools value reading/english scores moreso than math/science unless you're going into those fields, since you basically need reading/english no matter what you do.</p>
<p>The English section (the grammar one) doesn't get much weight compared to the math.... the math is more important.</p>
<p>I believe Libby mentioned that Chicago was 3rd overall nationally in Verbal SAT and 14th overall in Math. One might assume the ACT would follow a similar trend.</p>
<p>Libby also mentioned that test scores were one of the least important factors at Chicago.</p>
<p>^ they all say that until you apply there with a 24 on the ACT. then it matters.</p>
<p>If one has done well in the most challenging curriculum offered at the school, writes great essays, and has good letters of recommendation, a 24 will matter little.</p>
<p>Right, Chicago is one of those places that puts a huge emphasis on essays and things besides the test scores, but I dunno a/b a 24...that's cutting it REALLY low and askin for a rejection.</p>
<p>About 11% of the 2009 admitted students had an ACT score between 21 and 25.</p>
<p>lol well I'd rather not take my chances and consider retaking since you can retake the ACT as many times as possible...it's not like it's difficult to score over a 25 with a little studying, especially if you can right killer essays to offset such a bad score.</p>
<p>idad- i see what you're saying. but wouldn't you think most of those students were URMs?</p>
<p>One has no way of knowing, but most URM's I have known at Chicago were quite high scorers. All-in-all a better score can't hurt, but a lower score is not automatically exclusionary.</p>