The U class of 2025 Decisions Only

With the EA decisions will come out in 3 days, hopefullyyy. I’m creating this thread. Please help fill out to help current and future students to estimate the requirements for The University of Miami


Application Type (ED/EA/RD):


SAT I (breakdown):
ACT (breakdown):
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
Weighted GPA:
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis):
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load:
Major Awards (.):


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community service:
Summer Activities:
Essays (rating 1-10, details):
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):


Applied for Financial Aid?:
Intended Major:
State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant):
School Type:
Hooks (first generation college etc.):

Scholarships/Finan. Aid Received:

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Decision: Accepted!

Application Type (ED/EA/RD): EA


SAT I (breakdown): Test Optional; multiple sittings canceled, could not test before deadline
ACT (breakdown): N/A
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.99
Weighted GPA: 4.396
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 2/195
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Lang, APUSH, AP Physics 1; didn’t send any scores due to COVID
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calc AB, AP Psych, AP Spanish Lang, AP Lit, AP Environmental Science, Theology, Honors Advanced Drawing, Global Studies (my school doesn’t offer an AP social studies class for seniors)
Major Awards: College Board National African American Recognition Scholar (12th), National Spanish Exam Bronze Medal (9th), NHS, NEHS, International Thespian Honor Society


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Art Club (founder/president), Women’s Lacrosse, Musical Theatre (soloist/logo designer), Student Council (Cabinet/PR Officer), Honor Council, Student Mentor/Ambassador, Media Specialist for a local organization
Job/Work Experience: Unpaid internship with a nonprofit; partnered with a small international business to come up with marketing strategies, resulting in a grant that bought marketing materials, a small building, and utilities
Volunteer/Community service: Mostly spent time preparing breakfasts to distribute to a food bank
Summer Activities: Spelman College Prep Institute, Wharton Youth Finance Program
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Common App 7.5/10; talked about how my identity was always scrutinized, and how I coped through creating artwork. My counselor and English teachers loved it, but in my opinion it could be polished some more. UM Supplement 6/10; talked about my initial struggle maintaining membership in my club, but was kind of basic and rushed to me. Scholarship Finalist Essay 10/10; talked about how Killmonger from Black Panther was an effective villain. By far one of my favorite supplements I’ve written!
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Counselor 10/10. He was new to my school and we clicked immediately, and he always looked out for me. He said I was one of his favorite students. I’m not sure what other recommendation was sent (I requested 3 more), but I hope it was my art teacher (9/10). We’ve been super close all four years, and she’s the moderator of my club.


Applied for Financial Aid?: yes
Intended Major: Marketing
State (if domestic applicant): Maryland
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: small parochial school
Hooks (first generation college etc.): URM

Scholarships/Finan. Aid Received: Singer Scholarship for full tuition!