University of Miami Official Class of 2018 EA Results

<p>Hope it's not too early for this, but I am anxious to hear in a week and I'm sure others are as well so here it goes. Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted
Decision: Deferred
Decision: Rejected </p>

SAT I (breakdown):
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis):
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load:
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community service:
Summer Activities:
Teacher Recommendation:
Counselor Rec:
Additional Rec:
Intended Major:
State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant):
School Type:
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
General Comments:</p>

<p>Does anyone actually have any idea as to when this may happen? In this forum, I have read many different postulates, but no one seems to really know. Has anyone called the admissions office recently?</p>

<p>I’ve been told January 31st by several people but also hear February first as well.</p>

<p>First of all, it’s a good idea to establish this thread even if it is slightly premature.</p>

<p>I’d love to be corrected, but on Miami’s website the only promise is that EA decisions are to come out in “early February”. I think that there’s one chart where the EA decisions are under a column with a heading of “February 1”, but the headings are so vague that it’s not really clear whether that means February 1 or not.</p>

<p>Someone posted on another thread here that they were at a Miami info session just last Friday (a week ago) and the admissions rep said that EA decisions will come out February 15. And I think that the January 31 speculation arose because historically a lot of admissions offices release decisions on Fridays, frequently at 5 pm so no one can call the office (Well, you can call the office but you won’t reach a live body). As ddahwan noted in another thread, last year decisions started popping up on CC around 6:30 pm on Feb 1, which fortuitously was a Friday. The decisions came out in ‘batches’, i.e., not everyone heard at the same time. If anyone has anything (even more speculation!) regarding the release date for the EA decisions it would be great.</p>

<p>It will be very helpful once the decisions start rolling out for folks to report their stats and decisions on this thread using the outline above. One line that you might want to add to the outline is “Merit Scholarship” as hopefully there will be a lot of applicants who find out that they’ve been awarded some merit money.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone. This wait has seemed interminable.</p>

<p>I spoke with U of M. admissions office today. I was told that they are on track to release decisions next week.</p>

<p>Nice nice thanks for updating us on this. And asleepatthewheel I would like to add that but somehow cannot edit my own post which is strange :-/ nevertheless looks like it might just be the 31st next Friday?</p>


<p>Thanks for the helpful news. And I hope that you have more snow out there than we do here in northern California.</p>

<p>Ghiigh – I’m sure that those who get scholarships will likely find a way to fit it in the outline. Thanks again for starting the thread. The countdown begins!!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!!</p>

<p>I applied early decision, so I hope I can be of some assistance to you guys! :)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted!!</p>

SAT I (breakdown): 1950 (620 Math, 630 Critical Reading, 700 writing, even though they don’t consider the writing portion)
ACT:32 superscored (31.5; guess I got lucky!)
SAT II: Bio: 620 Math 2: 620
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.96
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 7/512
AP (place score in parenthesis): Statistics (5), Psychology (5), US History (3), English Language and Composition (3)
IB (place score in parenthesis): none available
Senior Year Course Load: AP physics C (mechanics and electricity & magnetism: all in one year omg), AP chemistry, AP calculus AB, AP literature and composition, band, gym
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): (didn’t know it at the time, but) Horatio Alger National Scholar</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Multicultural Unity Club, Gay-Straight Alliance, Mu Alpha Theta, English Honor Society (co-president), Science National Honor Society, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society, school-sponsored music lessons, mentor for freshmen/transfer students
Job/Work Experience: I tutored a 6th grader a few times, but other than that, nothing :slight_smile:
Volunteer/Community service: 320 volunteer hours at a local hospital, 30 hours at a nursing home, AIDS walk, local Breast Cancer walk, (this year, I plan on doing Relay for Life)
Summer Activities: traveling/volunteering/relaxing! (When else do we have time to breathe, anyway! :p)
Essays: Heartfelt and filled with pathos. I wrote about my mother’s battle with cancer (she survived and is stronger than ever, thankfully!!) and how it inspired me to volunteer at a hospital which ultimately made me realize that I wanted a career in the medical field so that I may have the opportunity to cure and boost the morale of my patients.
Teacher Recommendation: I asked my history teacher (who thinks I’m one of the nicest people at school, given that most people are pretty cold; he’s also a really good writer) and my math teacher, whose students I’ve tutored numerous times.
Counselor Rec: She told me that she said I was one of the most polite and genuinely kind students she’s ever encountered.
Additional Rec: (even though we were only supposed to submit three letters, I submitted four). The director of volunteers at the hospital said that I was (and I quote) “the perfect volunteer” and one of the most reliable she’s had in 20 years. </p>

Intended Major: Biochemistry (with Pre-Med track)
State (if domestic applicant): New Jersey (it’s colder than Antarctica here right now! I’d much rather be at the U soaking up the sunshine!)
School Type: Public Large (2,200 students)
Ethnicity: Trinidadian/Pakistani (I put Caribbean and Asian)
Gender: Female!
Income Bracket: About $27,000/year
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM; neither of my parents completed their bachelor’s degree, and according to the Hammond application, that counts as being “first generation” :)</p>

Strengths: My essay, GPA, and LORs definitely buoyed me up :slight_smile:
Weaknesses: I do too much and I’m spread thin; apparently, colleges would prefer someone who does a few activities but are completely committed to each of them as opposed to someone who does so much and devotes bits of time to each.
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I think my letters of reccomendation were exceptional; it seems as though anyone can get good grades, but it takes quite a bit to get someone to write you a heartfelt/unique letter of reccomendation. :slight_smile:
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: absolutely nowhere! The U was the only school I applied to! Risky, but hey, I made it this far! You can too!
General Comments: good luck to everyone! I can’t wait to meet all of you! After acceptances are known, you can all PM me and I can tell you my real name so we can add each other on Facebook! Go Canes! []_[] :D</p>

<p>Asleep— from pa cold is bitter painful. Hurts to walk outside…northern California??</p>

<p>Waiting to hear back from my num one choice of uc davis! Still excited for UM though!</p>

<p>Narissa, awesome stats and congrats on the acceptance! I’m only a few miles from NJ the cold is unbearable!! Love your essay topic and nice job on the award! Thanks so much for the contribution!</p>

<p>Thank you so much, Ghiigh33! Oh and also, I was awarded $28,000 in merit scholarship :)</p>

<p>What are your stats?!</p>

<p>28 k is really impressive! You should be really proud!</p>

<p>My stats</p>

<p>Sat (2400): 1230
GPA weighted: 1.76
No community service. </p>

<p>Just kidding haha.
Sat is 2010 (640 reading, 660 math, 710 writing)
GPA 3.94
Good ecs, 220+ hrs volunteer work, plenty ecs three jobs, own business, I think my essays are really unique, so we shall see what happens…nice act btw 32 is beast</p>

<p>Btw I’m taking ap lit and ap chem as well this year. Lit is fine, chem sucks hahaha</p>

<p>Aw thank you so much! I was really surprised haha I almost cried! I wasn’t even expecting more than 15k hahaha!</p>

<p>Omg you scared me at first! But your stats are on target with what Miami wants! And if it gives you any consolation, I think more than 50% of people who applied early action got accepted last year, and it seems like you’re above the top 50%! Where are you from, and how many APs are you taking/have you taken?</p>

<p>Oops sorry I didn’t see that last bit on your post lol omg I love chem! Lit is the worst though! Did you guys read Child of God?!</p>

<p>I’m from Pennsylvania. Yeah I think my stats are ok for Miami I’ll just have to wait and see. My total num of APs is seven I aced stat and bio and B’d lang :-/ Bio is a joke. At least in my school. You love ap chem? My respect for you has just gone down the toilet. I’m going to have to ask a moderator to ban you from CC. hahah joking. But chem is hard in my class! I actually do like lit somewhat. Didn’t read child of god just finished pride and prejudice. Ew. Read Annie John earlier which wasn’t bad. I don’t mind reading I just hate annotating!</p>

<p>OMG did you really think bio was easy? I’ve actually gained respect for you hahaha! Bio at my school is impossible! Literally one person in a class of 25 has an A. Everyone else has low B’s or mid/high C’s. Such a GPA killer haha! Thank goodness I didn’t take it :). Chem has a bit of a curve, so that helps quite a bit! Omg Child of God was so disgusting! Though, I must say, it was eloquently written hahaha. Hope you get a chance to read it! And I don’t mind annotating, I just don’t like using sticky notes to do so haha. I much prefer highlighting directly in the novel and jotting notes in the margins! But anyway, what else can you tell me? :)</p>

<p>OMG did you really think bio was easy? I’ve actually gained respect for you hahaha! Bio at my school is impossible! Literally one person in a class of 25 has an A. Everyone else has low B’s or mid/high C’s. Such a GPA killer haha! Thank goodness I didn’t take it :). Chem has a bit of a curve, so that helps quite a bit! Omg Child of God was so disgusting! Though, I must say, it was eloquently written hahaha. Hope you get a chance to read it! And I don’t mind annotating, I just don’t like using sticky notes to do so haha. I much prefer highlighting directly in the novel and jotting notes in the margins! But anyway, what else can you tell me? :)</p>

<p>Wait wait wait wait. I’m the mother of id twin girls waiting and waiting. Glad to hear you got that nice merit scholarship, NarissaBabie! Both of my girls will most likely be NMF and Miami guarentees $15K but we will need more to send both there. ACTs are 36 and 34 with lots of ECs,leadership, varsity sports, leads in musicals, 9 APs each, 2 subject tests each =800 and co found a fundraising venture to further the arts. And trust me, I am a grown adult with an engineering degree and an MBA, and I am so amazed with what all the students are accomplishing these days. People who say kids are going down hill need to come on CC to see the AMAZING stats, hopes and dreams of our youth. </p>

<p>Thank you so much, 3tallblonds! If your daughters are both in the top 5% of their class, they will likely be selected for the Singer scholarship worth full tuition! That’s really impressive! There are many of us who take steps to pursue our dreams, but it’s sad how some people my age couldn’t care less about their education. Rest assured; those of us who do, will make our mark on the world! :slight_smile: Good luck to your daughters, both! (though I’m certain they won’t need it!) What other schools have they applied to?</p>