The UC's don't have the major I want?!

<p>I want to pretty much apply to all the UC schools, but it turns out not all the UC’s have the major I want to major in. Within the online application, I have to choose the major I want to select, but I check for Santa Barbara doesn’t have Civil Engineering? So is it because freshman applicants don’t get to choose this major or what?</p>

<p>UCSB does not have Civil Engineering. Here is a link to the page showing all of the engineering majors at UCSB [Departments</a> | UCSB College of Engineering](<a href=“]Departments”></p>

<p>Cal Poly SLO has civil engineering. One of the best engineering schools in the country.</p>

<p>Civil Engineering at UCs and CSUs:</p>


[Search</a> Results](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST)</p>

<p>(And I agree that Cal Poly SLO would be an excellent choice)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>SoCal70… I think saying “Cal Poly SLO is one of the best engineering schools in the country” is an overstatement. It’s a fine college buy certainly no Berkeley or Stanford, and professors don’t get paid nearly as much. Also there is that power struggle for dean of engineering since the last one stepped down amidst some financial problems with donors’ money. I know that because my aunt is an assistant professor at Orfalea and she’s been trying to move out to a UC or private college since last year. I’m still applying there for ME.</p>

<p>CSUChopeful, Socal70 has the USNWR rankings to support his/her statement. USNWR ranked CSU SLO as the #4 Civil Engineering program in the nation [Undergraduate</a> Engineering Specialties: Civil - Best Colleges - Education - US News](<a href=“]Undergraduate”></p>

<p>^^^ At schools where the highest degree offered is a master’s or bachelor’s. Here is the list for schools that offer a doctorate. You will find Berkeley and Stanford on this one. [Undergraduate</a> Engineering Specialties: Civil - Best Colleges - Education - US News](<a href=“]Undergraduate”></p>

<p>I think it is true that it would be erroneous to compare Cal Poly engineering school to MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley.</p>

<p>It is an engineering school dedicated to undergraduate engineering education, whereas schools such as MIT and Stanford are much more dedicated to basic research, and graduate education. </p>

<p>But it does beg the question whether Harvey Mudd or Rose Hulman should be compared to MIT or Stanford? And if so, is Harvey Mudd, as an example, one of the best engineering school in the US (they don’t offer a doctorate either)?</p>

<p>^^^ Harvey Mudd is most definitely one of the best engineering schools in the country. I was only providing the list so the OP could have it in addition to the one listing the schools without doctorates. It’s a personal decision and two very different environments. Harvey Mudd provides a general engineering degree, while most of the others provide specific engineering degrees (civil, industrial, mechanical, electrical, etc. etc.) It just depends what you want, but every school mentioned in this thread is an excellent university/college.</p>

<p>If many consider Harvey Mudd, Cooper Union, and Rose Hulman to be some of the best engineering school in the US (including comparisons with the likes of Stanford/MIT/Caltech, etc.), then I am curious whether Cal Poly belongs to that “best engineering in the US” list? </p>

<p>Since Cal Poly is directly compared and ranked directly against the likes of Harvey Mudd/Cooper Union/Rose-Hulman, and further it is ranked only below these few schools.</p>

<p>Like I mentioned about, they are all excellent engineering programs. It just depends on the specific requirements and preferences of each student.</p>

<p>HA HA ! May I compliment you on your nimble diplomacy in your response.</p>

<p>Hahaha… Sure! My age and wisdom has to be good for something, right??</p>