The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

I should probably re-post my comment from Miscellaneous Ramblings here.

Cliffs Notes BS Style: Less is more*. Bring what you’d bring to stay at grandma’s for a couple of weeks. If you forget anything, you can purchase locally or parents can bring/remove at Parents Weekend (winter coats/clothing). Your kid will probably wear shorts, flip flops, and odds and ends purchased from the school store all year regardless of snow and frost.

The rooms are small and will have a bed, desk, and chair, lamp if you’re lucky. Bring/buy a fan; early days can be hot.

I’m always aghast at the amount of things students (are you listening, girls?) think they need to bring. I know, I know, we only had a boy, but he boarded a plane for school each year with just a backpack, roller bag, and one large suitcase. When he got there, he purchased a fan and some laundry supplies. We shipped his computer, other electronicals, and bedding a week ahead. At the end of each year, he stored everything that didn’t easily fit into his backpack, roller bag, and suitcase and boarded a plane for home as light as he left. (Important Safety Tip: Never plan on helping with move out. You’re welcome.)

Don’t forget, you can order online and have things shipped to the school a week or two ahead. All BS mailrooms are equipped to handle those boxes.

And, finally, DON’T be this kid.

*If you think you need a U-Haul, you’re doing it all wrong. You don’t want to be that person either. Re-read from the top of this post.