The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>It's funny for my interview, it was snowing and eventhough the ugg boots did not match the uniform, girls wore them with such pride, lol.</p>

<p>Yeah, I go to a NE prep (not boarding though) school currently and patterned rain boots and skinny jeans are a big hit on rainy days.</p>

<p>And I'm a strong supporter of the uggs, I mean, I 100% acknowledge that they're REALLY ugly, but they're SO comfy, and they're really warm, and they're honestly (in my opinion) less tacky than boots with fur trim. but that's just me.</p>

<p>Editing to add an ugg story: I know several girls who have gotten ugg TAN LINES from wearing them into the summer, now that is RIDICULOUS. but in the winter, they're really perfect for NE.</p>

<p>ugg tan lines? that's hilarious! lots of girls at my public school wear them with skirts and tights or leggings, but not into the summer. actually, most people wear flip flops ALL YEAR ROUND!
aussie: how can uggs NOT match the uniform?! they're neautral colors; brown, black, and tan!</p>

<p>Those patterned rain boots are popular at lots of NE colleges as well (as are UGGs). My daughter won't wear either. I'm glad she doesn't like UGGs, because they are really not at all practical for our weather.....snow and salt ruin suede.
I would have to agree with lilyrobin....most kids in our public middle and hs do not wear winter boots (no matter how much snow there is). Some of the redneck guys wear the workboots (year round, actually).</p>

<p>oh, i waterproof my uggs and they're fine!</p>

<p>i like uggs, but I think they're getting a bit old, and I'm changing my winter boots. Also they get dirty quite easily and are not at all good for snow fun.
just my opinion here, and I actually do have a pair. :)</p>

<p>so not good for the snow, but they are way more comfy than snow boots! :)</p>

<p>They do look comfy!</p>

<p>ug makes a snow boot which is wonderful</p>

<p>I wore my Uggs into New York City one night. It started snowing, which was wonderful, but it ruined my shows. Every single time we stepped onto a curb, they would be even more ruined. By the end of the night, my feet were soaked. The next day, the snow had turned into slush, and my shoes were ruined even more. Miraculously, the Ugg cleaner cleaned them so great that they looked like new. I don't know how they did it, but they did!</p>

<p>bump. </p>

<p>A rich man is one that needs nothing.</p>

<p>Then I guess there are no rich men huh?</p>

<p>I'm going rainboot shopping today :)</p>


<p>cool. buying shoes=very fun.</p>

<p>i agree!</p>

<p>I'm eating rice. 10 characters</p>

<p>First and Foremost: Nailclippers. I forgot them and It was such a pain. Bring a whole load of batteries, and pencils. And a pencil sharpener, but not an electric one because the cords get really annoying, so bring a manual/battery opereated. (I suggest manual so you dont have to waste batteries thast could be used for better things)</p>

<p>GUM. Gum is a must have. Lots and lots of it. And everyone will love it if you have gum because everyone always wants it, so its good for forging those first ties for friendship in your dorm and in random places on campus (Sounds weird but its SO true)</p>

<p>STAMPS for letters home. I wrote a bunch of letters and then realized I had no stamps. And my parents ar far too primitive for email. It was rather depressing. </p>

<p>Extra toothpaste. Like....four tubes. You never know when you're going to get down to town, or even feel like it. Same with small bottles of hairproducts.</p>

<p>FEBREEZE/AIR FRESHENER is a must. You never know when someone going to bring something that smells awful around, or if someone in your corrider is going to have bad personal hygene. One person can make the whole place gag-worthy. </p>

<p>WATER. Lots of water. You don't want to drink tap, and if you wake up at four in the morning thirsty, what else is there? </p>

<p>Multiple bathing suits. </p>

<p>FOR GIRLS-Period underwear/Tampons. LOADS AND LOADS of them. Its kind of embarassing going on a saturday/sunday into town and having to buy tampons with guys from your Biology class standing in line behind you. </p>

<p>TWO PAIRS of shower flip flops. If someone borrows a pair and doesnt bring them back right get the picture. And if you've got an extra pair, people will love you for letting them borrow it. </p>

<p>Disinfectant spray/bleach</p>

<p>LINT BRUSH. When you live in a togetherness environtment, lint and hair and gross stuff gets on everything no matter what. And it also makes a really handy thing for cleaning the carpet really quickly before inspections if you dont have time to vaccuum. </p>

<p>POINTLESS GAMES/rubix cube/something. If you have a freeperiod or bored time and you don't feel like doing homework, or in the middle of the night if you school internet turns off, its always helpful to have something to distract you. </p>

<p>WRAPPING PAPER for birthdays</p>

<p>SHOEBOXES. countless prjects call for shoeboxes. Also are good for storing worthless crap that you might need someday so you dont want to get rid of it. </p>

<p>SHOE TREE. Extra closet space is a woman/man's best friend. Girls, more room for MORE shoes and clothes. Guys: More room to jam stuff in your closet. </p>

<p>QUARTERS. Rolls and rolls of them, for laundry. </p>

<p>Markers, colored pencils, Printer paper for sketching, making cards/signs. </p>

<p>MULTIPLE pairs of headphones, ipod or other. If you lose them, it sucks. Also one for your computer and one to keep by your bed is great. </p>

<p>I have more but I have to go to visit...actually Hotchkiss, the boarding school I may transfer to. =]</p>

<p>knealon, where do you go right now?</p>

<p>knealon! nice posts!</p>

<p>Spray N Wash or another type of stain remover is great to have. You might not be able (or want to) do your laundry right away, but if you use a stain remover on a stain, it should be okay by the time you do get around to washing your clothes.:) Shout, Zout, Spray N Wash are all good stain removers.</p>

<p>Although to be honest, KNEALON's post brings up an interesting point. How much, let's say risqu</p>