The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>Current BS students, do you have a calender or planner to keep every thing on schedule ?<br>
What kind of calender or planner ? Hang-on-the-wall or even something like PDA?</p>

<p>I don't know if this helps, but here's a link to a very extensive college supply list:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^ I have a hang on the wall calendar and write everything on that. Some people have whiteboard calendars, some people have hang on the wall calendars and whiteboards for writing reminders on. Just do whatever will keep you most organized.</p>

<p> new to this...does anyone know when we kind out who our roommate is??thanks...</p>

<p>this tread is very helpful..thakns to whoever started it...</p>

<p>bballprep - finding out about your roommate depends on the school. Some schools notify you in advance, at other schools you find out when you arrive. You will probably get some information shortly from your school that will let you know the specifics. Or, many schools have an "Ask a Current Student" section on their web page that allows you to submit questions. As another option, there are some current students on this board and you can send them a private message. Try doing a search for your school....</p>

<p>Does your roommate in the same grade like you ? Or is it possible for a sophomore has a junior or freshman roommate ?
My S will be a sophomore this fall and of course this is his first time to BS. I think it's good to have a sophomore or junior roommate, who knows the school.</p>

<p>I don't know of any school that mixes grades for roommates.</p>

<p>thanks BrooklynGuy..that helped going to choate next fall...really excited....</p>

<p>whats the rule on cells phones....</p>

<p>It depends on the school, I don't think any school would Not allow them, but at Ashville (Like many other schools) you can use them in the dorms, and in speicial areas, no walikng aroung campus on your cell. It throws of the "community"</p>

<p>I was looking online for bedding and I founs this funky little site...</p>

<p></a> - Teen bedding, teen comforters and teen decorating. So if your preppy, punk, girly, or retro...I've got your style!</p>

<p>it's mostly (bu Mostly, I mean absotivley posolutley 100% for girls) for girls but,everyone should go check it out!</p>

<p>wakeupgrankie is cute ! Thanks for the link.
I will bring my old beddings with me, that will make my dorm room feels more like home (I hope so!).</p>

<p>march10success, make sure your sheets are the right size!</p>

<p>when is a good time to start shopping for all these things posted on this thread????</p>

<p>It all depends bballprep. For us, financially, we could never get everything all at once, so we're picking up a few things at a time when we see something we like.<br>
You could shop whenever is convienent I would imagine.</p>

<p>risingjunior - Thanks for the reminder ! I will check w/school first.</p>

<p>bballprep - We collect coupons (20% off BB&B) and use it once we see something we like (need).</p>

<p>bball prep-you can use cell phones at choate but you arent supposed to walk around taking with them and you cant talk during study hours.</p>

<p>ok...thanks...does anyone have any more ideas on what to bring??</p>

<p>I have a huge 3 page list of what I need. Clothes are probably one of the biggest needs especially since people in my public school wear ripped jeans and sweatshirts every day of the week.</p>