The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I am also shopping a little bit at a time. I find it much more entertaining. I haven't found twin sheets that are 80" long yet. I will probably check BB & B or Linens & Things.</p>

<p>My son said that at NMH you can only have a cell phone in your room.</p>

<p>If you wait until July, shops like Target and BBB will have many more 'dorm' things than they do now...they will be more for college so ignore the matching dishes and flatscreen tvs! In the meantime, shop when you see sales...'cause I know it's hard to wait! Things in a dorm can get pretty trashed in the course of a year so buy inexpensive stuff and bring nothing that you cannot afford to lose. Ikea is a good source for funky linens, clever storage ideas, even push pins!, but you won't need their furniture.</p>

<p>Call first to see what length linens you need, if you can't wait til your school sends you a 'what to bring' list. Some b.s. use the extra-long dorm twin beds, others do not.</p>

<p>re: Cell phones. My d at NMH can only use hers at certain times. You can't be on one during evening study hall so I know if she calls early in the evening, the conversation will be short!</p>

<p>I did some shopping on-line for winter clothes and shoes.
There are huge off season discount now.<br>
Great deal to get some winter stuff, like jacket, fleece and rugby shirt.
The school has dress code (not formal, but no jeans and t-shirt). No turtleneck and sweater, he doesn't feel comfortable at that, so I got a lot long sleeves rugby for him.
Got the summer book list, I will buy them from</p>

<p>That's right...NMH only allows students to use their cell phones in their rooms. It is an expectation of the entire community, including adult visitors, that they will not use their cell phones in public. It is a common courtesy and my son is now offended to see others use phones in public. It is a very good rule!</p>

<p>how is the reception at NMH? We have verizon and I was wondering if it would work in my son's dorm room.</p>

<p>My son has Verizon and it works fine in his room.</p>

<p>Cell service in the NMH area has **dramatically **improved int he last year or so. Of course the old Northfield was/is worse anyway. But it used to be you would get off 91 and lose it almost instantly. Now pretty much all the carriers get it I beleive (we have Att/Cingular and get it as well).</p>

<p>For those of you with boys especially already at BS - how many towels do they have at school? With 2 showers a day, my son uses a new towel each time.... I don't think he'll have room for 500.</p>

<p>thanks for the info about the phone service -- that is good to know. I know he likes to check in with me on a regular basis (we will see how long that lasts -- the older one only emails when he needs money)</p>

<p>Linda - I know that Keylyme told me that she got her son 6 towels. I thought I would start with that and see if it's enough. </p>

<p>I'm curious if many kids use the risers to raise the bed so that they can fit more underneath.</p>

<p>I think laundry pick up is 2x/week at AOF, so I was thinking maybe 8 - that would give him 4 days worth. The rooms are small so maybe he'll start out with fewer and I'll wait for him to ask for more. LOL</p>

<p>I think laundry at NMH is 2x's a week also. Of course, if they forget to get their laundry done they'll be using dirty towels...</p>

<p>I sent my d with 4 and two of those 'turby-twist' ones for her hair. I think the new micro-fiber-super-absorbing towels (like they use in Europe) might be on the list for next year.</p>

<p>Isn't it funny how boys will sleep in a bed with the same sheets for weeks and weeks without changing them, yet they won't use the same towel more than once without washing it?</p>

<p>Please....let's not talk about sheets. I just found out my son hadn't changed his yet....yuck. (To temper that a bit....I don't think he even sleeps under his covers most of the time. I had purchased him a fleece blanket which he loves and because he is too lazy to make his bed, I think he usually sleeps on top of his comforter and covers up with his fleece). The 6 towels have worked out okay. He doesn't mind re-using. We are green that way at home...and at hotels, too. He has sometimes run short as is evidenced by the stray beach towel I have seen in his wash. Oh, yes, did I mention he frequently brings his wash home??? You won't have that problem, stef.
I haven't used the bed risers as there is plenty of room for the standard rectangular storage boxes and my son's closet at NMH is an very large walk-in closets with lots of shelf storage.</p>

<p>Based on these teen boy practices, I think that I will send my niece to school with several bottles of Lysol spray and Febreze for when she visits a guy's room. Not that she is all that girly...her room can be very cluttered, and she is smart enough to say that she hasn't had time to clean it because she has been working so hard on her homework. How to argue with that?</p>

<p>Oh, yes, Febreze is a necessity!</p>

<p>Does anyone know of a cheap laptop, that will have all of the normal laptop programs that wont break the second the warranty is up?? :)</p>

<p>ehh... hmm... i don't know any cheap laptops actually, so I'm not any help, sorry!</p>