The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>Define 'cheap'. We bought a Gateway last year for about 650 that does everything we need it to do.</p>

<p>I think the the Dell Inspiron we bought my daughter was listed at $499 a few months ago. (It was $699 when we originally purchased it for her, and putting Microsoft Home, Office Student Edition added another 100 or so).</p>

<p>Did anyone mention duct tape?</p>

<p>As for laptops, you might get some information from the school that you will be attending. Some of them have discounts with Dell or HP. Also, some schools provide certain programs, so that you don't have to buy them yourself.</p>

<p>As with many of these issues, check with your school first. :)</p>

<p>Duct Tape??????</p>

<p>jazlyntrue-check out They often have good prices on laptops. That's where my techie at work has me shop.</p>

<p>Keylyme - do all the boys have big closets</p>

<p>Peddie provides every student a laptop.</p>

<p>I don't son has a corner room; that could be why. I will ask my older son as he had three or four different rooms, all in C1.</p>

<p>Duct tape is for quick fixes. stuff that may fall apart during the year, taping electrical cords together, taping storage boxes, etc. It's one of those items that belongs in a 'first aid for anything' kit.</p>

<p>this is a really good thread...bumpp</p>

<p>As for the laptop. there is a 19" minitor and smaller monitor. The large screen
looks good but it is a bit heavier and larger to carrry. Do they carry the laptop quite often? I lik ethe large screen laptop but I am afraid that it is a bit heavier. If I do not have to carry too often, I like to buy a large screen laptop. What do you think? Id' appreciate any opinion or advise.</p>

you can even hem pants or dress with duct tape.</p>

<p>erkybk -- talk to students at the school you are attending and see if they take laptops to class, study hall or study sessions outside their room.</p>

<p>My understanding is that, for the majority of schools, the laptop is mainly used in the dorm room. You need to think about how easy it is to carry it on the airplane (if you fly home) or in the car -- otherwise, you don't really carry it around at school.</p>

<p>What about paperwork? I was wondering if the kids would need any of the following items while at BS:</p>

official birth certificate
social security card
eyeglass prescription
group membership cards (stuff like Scouts, CAP)
passport photos
CPR certification card</p>

<p>these are things I normally keep and give them when they need them -- but now I am thinking that it might be better if they have them with them (we don't live within driving distance).</p>

<p>Any other "paperwork" type stuff the kids should have with them?</p>

<p>For those looking at buying a laptop or desktop for school -- the consumer reports magazine that just came out rates both desktops and laptops, plus rates each company for the tech support they provide. Probably worth picking up.</p>

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<p>Depending on where in the country you are going, an ELECTRIC blanket. Those nights are chilly, and even when you sit up late at night to study,nice to have.</p>

<p>bbbuuummmppp :)</p>

<p>I'm curious about the paperwork too... Is it necessary to bring along?</p>


<p>I have both a 19" widescreen and my husband uses a smaller "standard" size (15"?). I bought the 19" because it has the number keypad on the side and is very convenient when I'm running CAD. That laptop tends to stay put because of the weight. It's great for visual, but every time I want to sit outside or travel, I go with my hasband's because it is SO much easier to carry around. I know it may only be a few ounces heavier but it seems to make all the difference. If it's all you're carrying, it's OK; but keep in mind that you will usually have [lenty of books with you as well. Also, I have yet to find a suitable bag for the big one.</p>

<p>If you're planning on using your laptop on the go, I'd recommend the smaller. Our smaller one is an ACER and think it has the best display of all the ones I've seen. It has also been completely trouble-free. The 17" is an HP and I really don't like it at all. Although I haven't had anytrouble with the performance, it just seems "cheap" and clunky. I do like the keyboard, however, and it is great for watching movies. Since you'll be doing more typing than anything. I'd go to a store where you can actually try out the keyboard.</p>

<p>Before you buy anything though, I'd check with your school. Some of them have special purchase arrangements with Dell, etc. where you can get a good price with all the software preloaded that you might need for your classes, usually Microsoft Office suite.</p>

I would just give her the SS number (she/he will need that for tests, etc (even though it is not supposed to be used as an id per law)).
Copy of insurance card.
any and all prescriptions (eyes and meds).
That should be enough.</p>

<p>as to computer. At all of the schools we looked at, you can buy one through them. most of the schools seemed to be going apple.
apple's new small laptop is great for taking to classes etc - but need desktop to go with.</p>