The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I added stuff. I just figured we could just keep adding.</p>

<p>The Utimate Supply List for Boarding School.</p>


<p>-Shower tote
-shower shoes
-Toiletries, caddy
-Beach towel
-Nail clippers
-Extra toothpaste
-bug spray
-Flat Iron
-Feminine hygiene products
-Hair bands
-Nail Clippers
-Shaving Cream
-Face wash
-Nail Polish
-Nail Polish Remover
-Q-tips/Cotton Balls
-contact stuff/glasses
-Itch Stick (bug bites)
-acne stuff
-lip balm
-hair dryer
-Mouth wash


<p>-Swifters and small hand held vacs
-Febreeze/air freshener
-Trash can
-Quarters for laundry
-Disinfectant spray/bleach
-Lint brush
-Stain remover (Tide pen)
-laundry bag
-laundry detergent
-paper towels
-laundry marker
-Lysol/Clorox wipes
-Sewing kit</p>


-Refrigerator/Electric cooler
-Headphones/stereo/MP3 player
-Cell phone
-Chargers for iPod, cell phone, camera etc...
-Printer and refill cartridges
-Earplugs or noise canceling headphones
-Extension cords, surge protectors etc..
-Ethernet/phone cords
-Extra computer battery
-Web cam
-Jump/thumb drives
-blank CDĀ’s
-flash drive
-alarm clock
-bus bar
-light bulbs
-mouse pad
-calculator (graphing, scientific)</p>


<p>-Lots of sticky notes
-Pens, pencils, stationary supplies
-Paper clips
-Thumb tacks
-Shoeboxes (for projects)
-Printer Paper
-Notebook Paper
-Art Supplies
-day planner
-foreign language dictionary
-manila envelopes
-pens, pencils
-pencil sharpener
-tape measure
-three hole punch
-graph paper
-masking tape
-reading books
-book marks
-dictionary, thesaurus
-rubber bands</p>


<p>-Microwave popcorn
-Pop tarts
-granola bars
-powdered drink
-Tea bags/hot cocoa mix
-Non-refrigerated food- granola, fruit, nuts, chex mix, pretzels, etc...</p>


-Under-bed storage
-Over the door hook for towels etc...
-Plastic storage drawers
-Lots of hangers
-Stick on wall hooks
-Bed risers
-A cushy chair
-Book case
-Seat cushion, extra pillows
-Full-length mirror
-poster goo
-Dry-erase board and markers
-Shoe rack or tree
-Desk lamp
-Extra lamps
-bulletin board
-desk chair
-drying rack
-folding chair
-Pictures of your friends, family, posters</p>


<p>-Things to soften your bed (i.e. tempurpedic cover)
-Extra long sheets
-Stuffed animals
-Mattress Pad/Cover
-Fleece Blanket
-Pillow Cases
-Squishy Pillow</p>


-lounge wear/robe
-A lot of clean underwear
-Running shoes
-winter wear (mittens, hat, scarf)
-Snow boots (bean boots or similar)
-normal clothes
-Umbrella, raincoat
-duffel bag
-Backpack/Messenger Bag
-Extra socks
-Beach/Pool Towel
-bathing suits
-swim goggles
-extra flip flops
-unique clothing items (spandex, costume pieces, bright patterns)
-accessories and jewelry
-tote bags
-sports apparel</p>


<p>-Bike, helmet, and lock
-Water bottles
-Locks for lockers (where applicable)
-Wrapping paper and bows
-Playing cards
-sports balls and equipment
-bike, helmet, lock
-board games
-duck tape
-musical instrument/music books
-roller blades
-lanyard, key chain
-eye glass repair kit
-yoga mat :)</p>

<p>this is REALLY useful (if I were patient enough to actually read it all) my only question, why does the word list keep appearing red?</p>

<p>Don't bring anything for your room until you have checked the allow or disallowed list provided by the school. </p>

<p>Local fire code prohibits amazing things - paper on the door, lava lamps, etc.....</p>

<p>Just wondering, are there any house-keeping people that vacuum the dorms..? Or does just everyone bring their own vacuum cleaner...?</p>

<p>To people who are at BS:
Did you bring most of the things listed above before you got there, asked your parents to mail it to you, or just buy it over there?</p>

<p>Does it get uncomfortable sharing the bathrooms in the dorms because there's hardly any privacy?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Starz27, it's because you clicked the link from the other thread. And that person searched for the word "list"</p>

<p>When I cam to BS I didn't have most of this stuff, but I just got my parents to send it to me and I also went shopping for stuff on parents weekend and such. Plus you can always purchase things online and have them sent to you if you forget anything.</p>

<p>I share a bathroom with 4 other people and it's really not that bad. You basically get into a routine and you seem to figure out what time everyone else takes showers and gets ready and stuff.</p>

<p>Oh and we have people who vacuum our hallways and stuff for us, but there are dorm vacuums so that you can vacuum your room for room checks and stuff.</p>

<p>And would also check and see if you are allowed to bring irons, because at sps we have to use the dorm iron because of fire codes.</p>

<p>We WILL be starting a new version of this thread when acceptances start rolling in, by the way!</p>

<p>I heard that at Taft they are not allowed to make popcorn in the microwave without a teacher's supervision because they keep burning in and setting off the fire alarm. It's kind of funny though be they are aloud to use the stove, toaster,...</p>

<p>Lol people burn popcorn at my school all the time on purpose to get out of a class for a little. That's kind of smart, but would get annoying.</p>

<p>bumppp i dont know how this disappeared?</p>

<p>For holding your id and keys, I got a really cute wristlet the other day (for girls). I think it would be a good option!</p>

<p>don't bring anything. Wlak around naked. The girls like that. ;)</p>

<p>Just wait until you get there, then go to the nearest Target/Walmart/Ikea etc. With you roomate, of course. You don't want to buy a bunch of stuff only to find out that you don't need it, it won't all fit, or your roomate did the same thing or hates all the stuff you got. Just bring the necessities and personals, and go dorm shopping w/ ur rm. Great bonding!</p>

<p>Do people at BS normally arrive at the beginning of the year hauling a bunch of stuff? What about when they leave?</p>

<p>(Just asking since this list is huge)</p>

<p>bumpā€¦hey can someone answer boarderkidā€™s question b/c i hav the same one?</p>

<p>I asked the same question on another thread, and Iā€™m pretty sure the answer was no. Since you have opportunities to go shopping and go home on breaks, many people buy most stuff then once they know what others bring and what the school policy is. Good luck!</p>

<p>I have heard that at the end of the school year, many students go in together and rent storage space to store their items during the summer. I believe when the student return in the fall, the storage places bring their items to the campus.</p>

<p>uuh well,
I sent stuff before I came and the school kept it there for me. At the end of the year I shipped some stuff home and left other stuff at school. Most schools offer some form of storage, whether they rent a mobile unit for you, or like our school, keep your stuff in the gymnasium.
So yes, you can haul a large amount of stuff, or you can ship some of that stuff in advance.</p>

<p>Does anybody know how the laundry service at Andover works?</p>

<p>They subscribe to the same launders service most prep schools and many colleges do- E and R cleaners. Every day one week (say, thursday) they come for a particular dorm and pick up your bag of laundry. Depending on what package you have, it returns another day (say monday) and some of it can be picked up as dry-cleaning and the rest comes in your laundry bag.</p>

<p>Do roommates tend to put their laundry in together so they save money?</p>