The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I guess it all depends on how much you can fit? I would bring my iPod and speakers, but that’s just me.</p>

<p>most schools have rules where you can’t have music above a certain volume, and at times you can’t have it on at all. so I suggest that you just bring your ipod.</p>

<p>mmhmm sounds good.</p>

<p>… no pun intended…</p>

<p>43 sec
5 sec…</p>

<p>Im probably still gunna bring my speakers.</p>

<p>Bring your speakers. It’s fun to listen to music with friends and you can connect them to your laptop for watching DVDs as well.</p>

<p>I’m so excited !
When are you guys all going to arrive ?
A couple of days earlier ? A week maybe, just to buy some extra supplies after seeing the dorm ?</p>

<p>Thanks !</p>

<p>BUUMMMPPP (:</p>

<p>can you see the dorm several days before? I didn’t know that you could. I’ll be taking a day for travel on the 7th (Edmonton->Toronto->Boston, long day!), getting organized and buying a couple of things on the 8th, and moving in on the 9th.</p>

<p>i suppose you could see your room before but i dont think you need to! and I’m getting there early-ish on the 8th</p>

<p>Can you get in touch with your roommate, somehow?</p>

<p>facebook…Im…e-mail. The internet can do a lot of things these days.</p>

<p>Do they tell you who your roommate is in advance?</p>

<p>usually they do.</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>you don’t find out who your roomate is at mx until you arrive on move-in day! garr! i have to wait unil the 9th! </p>

<p>and change in plans, i’m flying on the 8th, we don’t have much to buy, and we’ll be flying into Manchester/New Bedford, not Boston.</p>

<p>ooh, this really helps me write my fan fiction.</p>

<p>Have a good time, you people.</p>

<p>How close to the start of school at Andover do you find out classes and your roommate?</p>

I’m a BS student now, and here are some things I didn’t think I would need but wound up really needing/wanting!
A magazine rack, to keep all sorts of things
Loads of posters/photos to cover the wall
lots and lots of food!!
a mini fridge, if your school lets you
a bathrobe
all the stuff you would want on a desk

<p>interesting–why an extra duvet?</p>

<p>@ EastCoast: Is there anything you bought that you found out you didn’t need?</p>