<p>So much talk about hooks, what are top colleges not looking for more of?</p>
<p>Ballet dancers.:)</p>
<p>premed majors</p>
<p>students who’ve attended expensive college summer programs</p>
<p>students who’ve volunteered abroad through family contacts or a pricey packaged program</p>
<p>NHS members and school officers</p>
<p>violinists and pianists unless they are prodigies</p>
<p>students who’ve done hundreds of random hours of community service</p>
<p>Asian and African students writing about how they’ve been inspired by the struggles of their immigrant parents</p>
<p>Suburban kids from NY, NJ and CT.</p>
<p>Grinds who’ve brown nosed and spent all of their free time studying so they could get sky high test scores and grades</p>
<p>Students who’ve gone out of their way to do exactly what they think top colleges will want to see in their applications</p>
<p>Mid Atlantic and NE WASPs, Jews and Asians. It seems like 90% of the kids in these categories at top colleges are legacies/faculty kids or development.</p>
<p>Kids with lots of ECs but no connection between them all</p>
That describes maybe every “top 5%” student from my high school…</p>
<p>Most C.C kids ;-)</p>
<p>White girls from the suburbs who want to major in English. Not that I’m bitter. :)</p>
<p>Also Maryland and Northern Virginia</p>
<p>LOL there was a “the merits of being hookless” thread last year too…or maybe a hookless hijack of a serious thread. My two are completely devoid of hooks but so far they have been very happy with their admissions results.</p>
<p>The hook can be a double edged sword and if I were an admissions director I would be shouting from the highest building on my campus “Stop trying to figure out how to please me and just be yourself!”</p>
<p>white/Asian girls from New York, New Jersey</p>
<p>oboe players. Seriously…this is not a hook…unless you’ve soloed with the NY Phil or Boston Symphony.</p>
<p>Flute players and soprano’s but they probably already know that. Biology majors. White men in engineering or computer science.</p>
<p>Ditto on the flute players and sopranos, and add trumpet players. But if you’re a good bass singer, that should be a hook :)</p>
<p>Ha, ha, ha - I am a white girl from suburban tri-state area who got into all 4 ivies I applied to and wrote both that I want to major in English and that I am a ballet dancer on my apps. It is more important to be who you are, rather than what colleges or anyone else says you should be.</p>
<p>here here vango! Yay for you!! My guess is that you played up who you are more than what you did. :)</p>
<p>Chinese or Korean girls who play the violin or piano really well.<br>
Chinese or Korean boys who play video games really well.
Indian premeds who volunteer in hospitals where their parents are docs.
Jewish kids from Long Island.
Rich kids from suburban MA, CT, NY, NJ, MD, VA.</p>
<p>Be yourself at an ivy if you’re hookless? OK historymom, spill, this deserves it’s own thread!</p>