<p>I know this topic probably have been posted before. But here it goes, one of my best friends, an awesome guy name Sam has a lot of troubles with the SAT.
He is a straight A student, taking cal BC and is in Honor english III.</p>
<p>But he just can get his head around the new writing section. He attempts to explain the essay topic in a way that is too complicated for the SAT. And as a result, he didnt finished the writing section or even came close to it. He just thinks too much about the topic. </p>
<p>His aced the other sections, 760 reading, 780 math, but he got around 1900 as his total score. He wrote about one intro and half of the first pragraph before times run out. I think he took the SAT twice now and the same problem plague him every time; he thinks too much about the topic and he also believes that only that you can prove a topic to be false or true is by stats(numbers), facts, or deep philisophical analysis. </p>
<p>I tried to convice him otherwise but he just dont get it. </p>
<p>Is there anyway that I can help him?</p>