The Worry Thread (Parents Only Please; Kids can Worry on the Chances Forum)

<p>@jahphotogal: She’d also have an iPad at Choate; it’s mandatory. Sounds like your daughter is taking the right approach. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.</p>

<p>My daughter seems calm and cool this week. While I had a near panic attack over FA applications. Mind you, they have been done for about a month! But, of course I decided to find one item that I feel sure all the schools lost because I did not send in two different forms as I did everything else…</p>

<p>Ive decided to let it go rather than bother Admin offices during this crazy time. Thats the sane part of me taking over…and my husband.</p>


<p>My fear is that C will choose our public school even if accepted to a prep school. C is quite ambivalent now - there has been so much social pressure to stay public - badmouthing of prep schools, etc. It’s hard for young teens to do something so different from what the vast majority of peers are doing. So now I am seriously regretting my decision to leave C in public school for this long. Private school could have been an entirely parental decision, if done when C was much younger.</p>

<p>Gush, the emotion that I go through is almost identical to jahphotogal’s, I worry she gets accpted and also worry she gets rejected, LOL. Exeter contacted us this week for 2012 w2 and 1040, my husband says it is a good sign… I guess they will work until last minutes.</p>

<p>I remember all of these feelings 8 years ago for my dd. Best of luck to all of you over the next few days.</p>

<p>Good luck all! My fingers are crossed for all of you. Tomorrow night will feel like Xmas eve to an 8 year old :-)</p>

<p>Any more worries?</p>

<p>Sure, I’m still worried! Just 'cause.
We’re just hoping DD gets off the waitlist SOMEWHERE… but if she’s home next year, that’s OK!</p>

<p>So, a couple of months have gone by, and I haven’t been posting. DD never got off any wait lists. Recently I happened to meet an educational consultant, someone who could help and guide us through the process if we try again for 10th grade. I mentioned it to my daughter and her response was: why don’t I just see how I like public high school? I think that’s very sensible - just go into HS as if that’s where you really want to be, rather than holding yourself back/out of it. We can re-evaluate after a few months. (I know that would mean a late start to the process if we decide to go for BS, but it can be done.) </p>

<p>Meanwhile, the more I think about our financial situation, the happier I am not to have those bills come fall.</p>

<p>jahphotogal, the truth of the matter is that there are worries if they go away to BS and worries if they stay home. Right now I have one at BS and one at home - I find something to worry about in equal amounts for both of them.</p>

<p>I worry more for the one at home.</p>

<p>Bump! for this years parents.
We can keep worrying!</p>

<p>Most of my worries have been worried before, along with some I never would have thought of. My twin-specific worries aren’t on the list, though. I wish there were more twin mamas and twin dads to worry with!</p>

<p>I’m worried that I’m not supposed to read this.</p>

<p>Okay, I’m leaving now.</p>

<p>I feel badly that I want to love NMH and I should based on our visit and interaction with staff/students, etc; however, I’m having troubling reconciling the investment against the fact that a decent majority of the classrooms are housed in double-wide trailers. I understand they have improvement plans, but i’m worried about the impact on the overall learning environment and the justification of paying $50,000 + for trailer classrooms. I’m NOT that person, so someone please talk some sense into me or confess that some of you who’ve visited share the same concerns.</p>

<p>NMH sold the Northfield campus?? Why?</p>

<p><a href=“Northfield Mount Hermon school's former campus waiting for new tenants -”>Northfield Mount Hermon school's former campus waiting for new tenants -;

<p>We didn’t see any trailers… where were they???</p>

<p>We were there for a recent class visit day and sat in on an english class in “modulars” located at the bottom of the hill. There were about 3 double wide trailers/portable classrooms that housed several classes–about 6-8 rooms per trailer. Also, the math classroom we visited (in an older building) was incredibly cramped and tiny as well. They have a plan for building new facilities, but they haven’t broken ground yet. Although I know it’s a great school, it’s very hard to justify that expenditure for that type of environment for some classes.</p>

<p>Per the NMH website:</p>



<p>We saw the modular classrooms and attended a class in one during our revisit in 2011. At the time, NMH told us they were temporary based on expansion plans, but now I’m wondering what NMH considers “temporary.”</p>