The Worst College Campuses You Have Seen...

<p>Is there a campus you have seen that is too horrible to put into words? One where you would rather not attend college than go there? I am yet to see a campus that I have truly hated. However, I must say that I did not enjoy the Arizona State campus much.</p>

<p>any community college?</p>

<p>UNLV is pretty awful. I don't like Drexel, either.</p>

<p>I really don't like SUNY Binghamton's campus.</p>

<p>University of South Carolina</p>

<p>NC State- unless you really, really like brick</p>

<p>Penn. Visiting that campus made me not want to apply.</p>

<p>SUNY Albany</p>

<p>UCSD, Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>I wasn't a fan of BU's.</p>

<p>University of South Carolina? Really? I thought the campus was beautiful.</p>

<p>I would say Tulane. It just seemed run-down. It didn't seem very safe and the grounds needed maintenance. I'm not a huge New Orleans fan either.</p>

<p>However, Tulane had very nice building interiors and facilities.</p>

<p>Cavalier, which Penn are * you * talking about? I thought UPenn was beautiful... especially the stone quad areas and the whole colonial feel.</p>

<p>San Jose State University</p>

<p>Yeah, BU's kinda sucks. It doesnt even feel like a college because it's so confined. It's a pretty good school though, and Boston is a top 5 US city IMO, but the campus kinda is mediocre at best.</p>

<p>For some reason, I hated Amherst. I know everyone here probably thinks Amherst is beautiful, but I looked at it, and my day kind of darkened. </p>

<p>I also don't like the Ithaca campus, because it reminds me of the CC campus near my house.</p>

<p>I didn't like GMU (George Mason)'s campus, although the buildings were all neat.</p>

<p>I don't like Seattle University.</p>

<p>that's crazy! I was about to say seattle U! How random! It's all crammed onto this tiny bit of land and it is not in the best neighborhood either. The only thing I liked was the chapel.</p>

<p>plus with their parking garage it reminded me of a hospital or an airport or something!</p>