These people on this site are soo racist.

<p>I swear they are. Like they just automatically assume, oh your a URM, so yea you will get in with lower test scores. You don't have to be smart, cause your black/latino.</p>

<p>Really? Seriously?</p>

<p>I was just on a thread about boarding schools and ivies and some one said this about blacks/latinos


There are the outreach kids who are on scholarship and from disadvantaged backgrounds, many of them URMs. Again, they will be given somewhat of a pass on the grades. Not that much, however. I have not seen any get into the most selective schools but this group does do very well given their test scores and grades. But I have not seen these disadvantaged URMs get into HPY unless their grades are up there, though they may get leeway on the SAT1s, and getting the grades is no small feat at these schools.


<p>Soooo....really...this is what you think about blacks and latinos...reallyy.....!!</p>

<p>Like seriously is it just me, or do you guys hate the term...URM too....I mean.....I am not under represented....okay maybe a little but just blacks and latinos shouldn't be just clumped in a group ...</p>

<p>I'm just a little frustrated right now.</p>

<p>Okay, you hit me at just the right (or wrong) moment. Claiming “the people on this site” are racist is a generalization. You are indicting all because of the words of a few? Isn’t that why people decry racism? Because it marks all based on a perception of a few?</p>

<p>Actually its not because of a “few” people. I just took her/his words as an example. If I took every single instant that people do on this board…I will fill up 8 or 9 pages…I just used this as an example. i am not the one to usually cry racism thank you, but when I see people just using RACE as a factor to JUDGE something that is DEGRADING…thats racism my friend.</p>

<p>And thats the cold hard truth and if you can’t deal with it, you just need to wake up to the real world.</p>

<p>It has nothing to do with not having to be smart… wow. You basically have an advantage and your making it seem like its racist? It isnt… its just that you are under represented so if you do really well you have a great shot at some top tier colleges how in the world is that a bad thing?</p>

<p>Sorry, I disagree the whole site is racist. The fact that people do fit into categories does not, in itself, imply bias or prejudice. Colleges like STEM kids, athletes, legacies, valedictorians, etc. No admissions guarantee comes from this. Colleges seek a balance- in socio-economics, gender, race, ethnic origin, first-gen, geographics, majors, non-academic interests- even allowing for disabilities. In fact, in some majors, it is an advantage to be female. That’s not sexism. They are under-represented. One prominent LAC allows kids to label themselves under-represented if they are LGBT. In some regions where certain schools overload the applicant pool, it can be an advantage to be from an under-represented school. You still have to have the goods to get admitted. </p>

<p>If you do get into a great school, please be proud. Never let anyone tell you you didn’t deserve it and slid by. Thousand compete for limited admit slots. There is no one perfect explanation for who gets in. You won’t get into an Ivy if your package is sub-par, just because you are X. On the other hand, yes, some schools, recognizing that their representation is unbalanced, will seek to rectify, with highly qualified candidates. </p>

<p>I am an admission reviewer for a top school and I see how it works. Any kid, of any sort, if the school needs his profile, can have his application package viewed through a filter. Any kid. But, he or she still needs to match the academic standards. There’s a joke about left-handed bassoonists getting an edge- fact is, if the school needs one, that kid might just get one extra minute on the review. </p>

<p>I understand some are sensitive to labels. What is hurtful is to face a wall of anger- yours or someone else’s. When someone ignorantly says, “He got in because he’s URM,” I speak up. Anger is a wonderful and potent tool. Use it wisely, to effect change. I understand others’ ignorance can be exhausting and frustrating.</p>

<p>I think people severely overestimate how much being a URM helps. They act like you can have a 1400 SAT and 2.6 GPA, 2 ECs and sub par essays, and you’ll automatically be accepted into Harvard. Being a URM <em>does</em> have its advantages, but not the way people think it does. They act like every single god forsaken spot in every top 20 college is being taken away from them by URMs. FYI to those people, they’re not. Admissions at Ivies are generally crapshoots whether you’re a URM or not. I know plenty of URMs who didn’t get into Ivies and I know plenty of white/asian people who didn’t get in. It’s completely ridiculous. They’re just so convinced that the reason they didn’t get in to HYPSM/other prestigious schools is because a URM took their spot. Most of these people have no idea what they’re talking about, ignore it, Loveispeac3.</p>


Exactly how much does it help? Everyone seems to have their own opinions but the only constant seems to be that anyone who can claim to be a URM is definitely milking it for whatever advantage it does provide. Then of course there is the denial that they actually needed it or that it provided that much of a boost. Interesting that despite these protestations almost no URM posters are choosing to not declare their race. Oh yeah…I forgot. It’s not about gaining an advantage, it is all about being proud of who you are.</p>

<p>“Exactly how much does it help?”
Varies from not at all, to some.</p>

<p>“Everyone seems to have their own opinions but the only constant seems to be that anyone who can claim to be a URM is definitely milking it for whatever advantage”
I don’t understand. Are you saying you are aware of everyone who can claim to be a URM’s application strategies?</p>

<p>"Then of course there is the denial that they actually needed it or that it provided that much of a boost. "</p>

<p>There is that. That does happen, and it could be true!</p>

<p>“Interesting that despite these protestations almost no URMs are choosing to not declare their race.”</p>

<p>How would anyone know this?</p>

<p>To the OP; I think the site is race aware, even race sensitive, but not often “racist”.</p>


You missed a word in your quote. We were discussing this site…correct? Read the posts.</p>

<p>“Exactly how much does it help?”

Source? Exactly how much?</p>

<p>"You missed a word in your quote. We were discussing this site…correct? Read the posts. '</p>

<p>I have. Perhaps not as closely as you, but I never assumed every URM that was on CC posted, let alone disclosed how they intended to declare. But you are apparently correct about the URM’s who post that sort of information. I did not realize you were just talking about this site. Is that the same “everyone who is milking it”?</p>

<p>I do not believe race matters at some schools, i.e. based on my kids experience, at the UC’s, but I’m sure some would disagree. And of course, I don’t think anyone can answer “exactly” how much for any school.</p>

<p>I don’t think the people on CC are racist.</p>

<p>and this thread will be deleted in 5…4…3…2…</p>

<p>Hey, you’re making a generalization too :)</p>

<p>Just saying that doing so with anything is a part of human nature and we all should learn to live with it, no?</p>

<p>*the only constant seems to be that anyone who can claim to be a URM is definitely milking it for whatever advantage it does provide. *</p>

<p>Wow, aglages, that’s harsh. Exactly how do you know this? And for all the other categories I mentioned above, would you say they are milking it too? </p>

<p>Shrinkrap gave a frank answer to your question about how much being a URM helps- different colleges review with different needs in mind. Same goes for the other categories I mentioned. And, to really confuse you, sometimes kids carry multiple labels into the college app process. You still have to have the goods. That doesn’t mean the mythological power of a 2400, btw. It means falling within the range of expectations the college sets for it’s incoming class. They don’t review blind. They have institutional research and experience that helps them know who can fit and thrive- and go on to possible greatness. Don’t latch on to finger pointing. Admissions isn’t a bunch of knee-jerk dummies. Not at all.</p>

Instead of milking would you prefer “exploiting”? How many posts have you read on this site from posters that have indicated they were not going to declare themselves as black or Hispanic and instead choose undeclared or non-specified? It isn’t required is it? Now how many posts and posters have made it abundantly clear that they are going to take advantage of every “special” advantage they can. An abundance of one group and virtually none of the other. </p>

<p>Clearly there is an advantage and we can argue to the cows come home about how much. </p>



<p>I agree that AA provides a significant boost, and I will be putting “African-American” on my app.</p>

<p>“I agree that AA provides a significant boost, and I will be putting “African-American” on my app. “
You should! You are an idiot if you do not take advantage of AA. Get into a great college and do something great!</p>

<p>“I think the site is race aware, even race sensitive, but not often racist.”
Thank you Shrinkrap.</p>

<p>“How many posts have you read on this site from posters that have indicated they were not going to declare themselves as black or Hispanic and instead choose undeclared or non-specified?”</p>

<p>In five years, maybe 10, mostly Hispanic. </p>

<p>There are maybe 20-30 12th grade students a year here, that identify as black.</p>

<p>“…Now how many posts and posters have made it abundantly clear that they are going to take advantage of every’ “special” advantage they can.”</p>

<p>None that put it that way, but maybe 10 per year black, that say they will indicate black.</p>

<p>But here’s the thing; </p>

<p>Outside of college confidential, I know dozens, maybe hundreds, probably thousands over ten or twenty years, who have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! No ideas about college, let alone “elite” colleges.</p>

<p>That is my point. </p>

<p>You, being here, makes you “special”. I posit that the black kids that make if to CC are even MORE “special”. They are special to me. They are a thorn in your side. </p>

<p>Oh well. Neither of us are on admissions committees.</p>

<p>“There are the outreach kids who are on scholarship and from disadvantaged backgrounds, many of them URMs. Again, they will be given somewhat of a pass on the grades. Not that much, however. I have not seen any get into the most selective schools but this group does do very well given their test scores and grades. But I have not seen these disadvantaged URMs get into HPY unless their grades are up there, though they may get leeway on the SAT1s, and getting the grades is no small feat at these schools.”</p>

It is somewhat true.</p>

<p>I went to a competitive admission high school (very low admission rate) that has very rigorous curriculum. And, my HS has outreach program for URMs.</p>

<p>“I have not seen any get into the most selective schools but this group does very well given their test scores and grades.”</p>

<p>This is exactly what is happening at my HS. URMs (from my HS) rarely got into HYPSM level colleges but they usually do very well.</p>

<p>“getting the grades is no small feat at these schools”</p>

<p>You might not like to hear it but it is usually true at my HS. I think low (or not so high) GPA is one main reason why URMs (from my HS) do not get into HYPSM level colleges.</p>

<p>PS I am done with African American Students Forum.</p>