they killed my favorite radio station!

<p>i know you all are going to think "aw, boo hoo build a bridge and get over it" but if you are bored help me out. </p>

<p>philly now has NO radio stations for alternative rock, now its all urban, rap, gospel and smooth jazz.
so honestly there is NOTHING on the radio now</p>

<p>so if you could just take 37 seconds to sign the petition @
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>or if that doest work @ <a href=""&gt;;/a> <- click the link @ the top to sign it
(mac users open in IE, safari doesnt work)</p>

<p>the 500,000 listeners of the philly area would greatly appreciate it
thanks for takin the time to at least read this thread and hopefully help me bring back my radio. </p>


<p>I find it hard to believe that a major metropolitan market would not have a rock station. Someone will pick up the void within a month or two I am sure.</p>

<p>I signed it. :)</p>

<p>iplayoboe, I turned the radio on this morning for my daily dose of the preston and steve show, and I was horrified to find out that the alternative rock station was replaced by y100 "the beat".</p>

<p>I'm very ****ed off, seeing that philly has countless rap/hip hop stations, and now the only alternative rock radio station is gone..........we don't need more "gangsta' music"</p>

<p>I signed</p>

<p>Y100 was my favorite station, too. I listen to Preston and Steve every morning when getting ready for school. (Steve's impersonations are the best!) Anyway, I signed the petition yesterday as soon as I heard about this and told all my friends to do the same. It was a great station and there are already so many hip-hop/rap stations in the area. I really hope this petition helps bring Y100 back.</p>

philly now has NO radio stations for alternative rock


:eek: this is disaster! I'm pulling my upenn app out.....</p>

<p>check out <a href=""&gt;;/a>
u will find ur choice of radiostation...</p>

<p>I signed it. I feel your pain.</p>

<p>lol. You guys sound like I did when my favorite radio show was taken off the air on the radio station that I listen to most frequently in my area. However, I lucked out since that show is nationally syndicated so I can cheat and listen to it through another radion station in a different area over the Internet. </p>

<p>I signed it for you since I can relate to the problem even though I'm not in Philly.</p>

<p>i was so mad when i heard about this at school this morning! too many changes: 97.5 pst changed to 94.5pst and now no y 100! This is crzy!!!</p>

<p>I signed it... good luck with getting your radio station back, funky! :)</p>

<p>I travel during the week, so I'm constantly coming home to find that a favorite radio station has changed format. The worst case was when the oldest, most profoundly hard rock station in town disappeared and was replace with nothing but Muzak style instrumental Christmas music. For 4 solid weeks. Thought I had forgotten how to work my radio buttons at first.</p>

<p>Good luck getting your station back. I'm afraid it's the sign of the times.</p>

<p>thanks guys :)</p>

<p>iplayoboe- what exactly happened to Y100? This upsets me...</p>

<p>In my days living in NJ I listened to Y100 all the time. They always had those cool countdowns, cage match, top 5 @ 9, the morning show... I loved it. :(</p>

<p>i wasnt listening when it happened but heres the scoop from a friend of mine.
he was listening thursday from 11am because we had an early dismissal from school for snow. </p>

<p>so @ noon all the y100 DJs and staff were called into the studio. y100 radio shared a building with 103.9, the heaviest urban music on the dial, because they were both owned by WPLY media, part of Radio 1 corp.
so @ noon with all the y100 people there, manegment fired all the DJs on the spot (electra, matt cord, preston & steve etc... poof, goodbye) with no severence package or anything, just fired them. the non-DJ staff were given some sort of compensation and fired too. they were given 12 hours to finish broadcasting. so all day tursday the DJs played sad goodbye music (people told me it was without commercials or talking at all but again, i wasnt listening, so this is heresay, not admissable in court) i did tune in for a bit and it was very gloomy so i turned it off. sigh. so @ 11:55 PM the last song ended and they gave some sort of goodbye like "this is y100 signing off" or something, and went to 5 minutes of radio silence.
then the station that was on 103.9 moved to the 100.3 waves, broadcasting urban (honestly, i listened for a minute yesterday and i heard shake that @$$ bi+</p>

<p>I love how all us Philadelphians are flocking to this thread. The company that owns Y100 recently merged with Clear Channel, which is an evil, evil company...coincidence? I think not. Also, yeah, the closest thing out there now to it is probably 88.5XPN, and that's indie rock...93.3 is okay...sometimes...oy, damn you Clear Channel! Well, it would've sucked once Clear Channel got their hands on it anyway...</p>

<p>haha yea, every kid from the philly area will eventually read this thread im sure, </p>

<p>93.3 is the next best thing, but it broadcasts out of Wilmington, DE, so its not very clear all the time. </p>

<p>yea, now that you mention it,
evil clear channel did recently merge with radio one...

<p>Welcome to my world. Down in D.C., they took our alternative rock station (99.1 HFS) and turned it into El Zol 99.1. And that is why I no longer listen to the radio. And this wasn't just some ground-level radio station, It had been on for 20 years!</p>

<p>well, the clearchannel merger explains it. they're top40 suckups, homogenizers of the airwaves. am I not wrong in guessing that they own several other stations in Philly with the same content?</p>

<p>I signed it...I can sympathize. </p>

<p>One of the best radio stations in Charlotte was 96.1, an oldie-goldie station. One day I switched on the radio and had rap music blasted at me...I was not happy. I had to learn to like country- the only Charlotte station besides rap, rock, and gospel. :(</p>