Things to do Before we get to Campus

<p>I feel like I am going to forget to do some of the important things that must be done before we move in. I think it would be a great idea to get a list started to keep track, it would definitly help me. Anyway, I am already in the South Florida area and I am hoping to take care of some things before we get down there. I think I'm going to bring my laptop over to set it up to beat the rush and get my parking permit. What other things can I do now or must I do now? Maybe get my CaneCard? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Feel free to either make this into a list for others to see or add your input!</p>

<p>Things off the top of my head....</p>

<li> Parking Permit</li>
<li> When you arrive on campus, all you will need to do is stop by the Cane Card office (111 Allen Hall) with a valid photo I.D. to pick it up - no waiting in line! (During Fall Orientation, your Cane Card can be picked up in the University Center.</li>
<li> Take a look on Easy and see if your schedule is up yet. If so, find out what books you will need. Some books can be bought on-line more economically. There is also a book store off campus which has new and used and are more economical as well. Sorry I can't remember its name.<br></li>
<li> If you are going to work start looking on Easy for a job. Listings on Easy are by location or skills. Even if you are on Miami Committment you will still need to find a job on your own. Miami Committment sent son one listing prior to arrival on campus, he applied, interviewed and then found out he couldn't work out the schedule, so he had to find another job on his own. Do not assume that UM will find a job for you.<br></li>
<li> Open a bank account if you need to. This is one activity that took son a long time orientation weekend. The university credit union, Bank of America and Wachovia all have ATM's on campus. If I remember correctly however, BOA is the one with the ATM closests to the towers. (In the Wellness Center). There are branch offices on campus and accross the street on US 1. So start doing a little investigation of what you might need...if you need one that is.<br></li>
<li> You should have your mailing address by now. If so, make sure you change your address for anything that you need. Over the course of the next four years you will get a ton of mail, especially from SallieMae or whoever your financial aid is from. This will be addressed to you, because inevitably from here on out it is your responsibility not your parents. I can't begin to tell you how much mail my son gets. And I get tired of forwarding it to him. I'm forever telling him to "change the address!" Unless you want your mail to continue going "home" this is something you can take care of now.<br></li>
<li> Make sure you have everything you need for health services. Insurance cards, prescription cards, enough prescriptions to last till you go home again. You can get prescriptions obviously at the health center or at the CVS/Eckerd accross the road, but if your prescription is going to run out soon, your looking at a lot of hassle. Just see your normal doctor now and save yourself the trouble.<br></li>
<li> Have you had all your shots? LOL Don't forget that you are required and/or its in your best interest to be vaccinated for a few things before you live in the dorms...</li>
<li> Last minute shopping. As I've told everyone here, the Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, etc., south of campus are very very busy that first weekend. Anything you can get done before arrival will be to your advantage.<br></li>
<li> Any financial assistance questions you'd be wise to discuss with the financial aid office prior to that weekend as well. They have an area set up in the UC that weekend, but the lines are usually long. Once again, on Easy you should have access to your billing statement and financial information. Read over it, and talk to someone earlier if need be. If not...count yourself as one of the lucky ones and cross it off your list. :)<br></li>

<p>Most of all, enjoy yourself! You sound as if you are well ahead of 75% of most of the other students and consequently move-in weekend should go so smoothly for you. Have a great time!</p>

<p>Oh more thing which a lot of kids don't have. If you plan on doing any traveling out of the U.S. on breaks or studying abroad, start thinking about your passport if your a U.S. citizen. Son had a passport, but I ended up having to ship to him later because he forgot to take it. A small little lockable safe and/or lock box is a good thing to keep all your valuable papers etc. in.</p>

<p>Thanks 1tcm!
We leave tomorrow AM and last minute questions are starting to pop up !!
You've been so helpful in preparing us newbies :)</p>