<p>Is there a thread already about the title? If not, what are some things you wish you had done the before your Senior year? Specifically, talk about what you should have done ** junior** year.</p>
<p>Stopped myself from joining APUSH.</p>
<p>Stopped myself from hooking up with a certain girl.</p>
<p>I can't think of anything I regret at the moment...
Junior year was far > sophomore year for me.</p>
<p>I regret not dropping out and getting my GED. I would have started college earlier.</p>
<p>wished I had done junior year: prepared better for SAT/ACT, done more EC related to science.</p>
<p>Worried less.</p>
<p>been less brash and overconfident. It hurt my rep with the girls.</p>
<p>Going into junior year now, but...not procrastinating and leaving my 1.5 needed credits of PE for junior and senior years...what a stupid move.</p>
<p>no sh/<em>hehe</em>/it dude. I'm in the same boat my counselor says I won't be able to graduate even though I'll probably be val. I've appealed to the school board. Wish me luck.</p>
<p>learned how to game my gpa</p>
<p>i really wish i had actually read 'heart of darkness'
if i had done better on just one quiz, my semester grade would have been an A i was missing only 4 points :(
i still hate the book though!!!</p>
<p>also i would not have been so boy crazy</p>
<p>Studied hard for SATs. I used a tutor almost every week 2 months before the test and I just didn't take it that seriously. Second time I took it more serious but still didn't study enough.</p>
<p>i wish that i had only taken the SAT once- the second time it took it it really hurt me.... i also wish that i had tkaen ap exams more seriously</p>
<p>I would have applied to more scholarships/essay contests. I had good intentions. I printed off all of the guidelines, etc. But, I kept telling myself that it was a long time before I had to worry about scholarships. </p>
<p>Start early! Every cent comes in handy! Plus, your senior year will be too hectic. Pile scholarships on top of that and it only makes it worse.</p>
<p>I wish I had:</p>
<p>-Studied for SATs more
-Partied a Bit More
-Gone to School Dances...</p>
<p>There are tons of things that I wished I had done, but I knew if I were given a second chance, things probably wouldn't have turned out all that differently.</p>
<p>I wish I had:</p>
<li>Actually tried/studied as hard as I promised myself I would</li>
<li>Dated a certain girl before she went off to college</li>
<li>Did better at my Sci Olympiad/FBLA competitions</li>
<li>Submitted one of my scholarships in on time -_-</li>
<p>Yeah, lots of regrets, but it was ok.</p>
<p>i wish i hadn't spent so much time putting off hw/going online/etc and just made myself do the work. i would have slept more.</p>
<p>I wish I would've...
-studied more for the SAT's
-taken US History AP and Calculus AP, I underestimated myself...I could've handled it.
-HAD A DATE FOR RING DANCE, that sucked.</p>
<p>but you know what I'M GLAD I:
-studied for my English AP test, got a 4!
-worked hard on homework, best GPA yet
-ran for NHS secretary!
-and met my boyfriend...even if it was after ring dance lol.</p>