<p>I was just thinking about my application and realized it would have been stellar if I could include things done in 2nd grade - a kid in my class had leukemia, and I went around selling braided bracelets to neighbors to raise money for the cause. Somehow I even got in contact with a famous baseball player and he sent me a signed card and all... So yeah, anyways. Then I thought, why HAVEN'T I done that in high school? I crochet amigurumi animals, currently only as gifts for friends and family members, but it wouldn't be hard to donate some to a childrens' hospital or sell some and donate the proceeds. A reason to crochet more, a good deed, and some character building stuff, really, why didn't I think of this earlier? Now it's kinda too late, I guess. Unless I can pull this off in a month...</p>
<p>Is there something that, as you apply to colleges now, you realize you could have done to make yourself stand out more? Is there something you did to make yourself stand out more that you regret?</p>
<p>Started tennis when I was 5 and get recruited.</p>
<p>yea i wish i found a cure for cancer</p>
<p>I wish I would have been involved more in clubs and started foundations. I also wish I had gotten into a sport.</p>
<p>I wish I started more clubs. Maybe I’ll do that this year.</p>
<p>I’m actually very happy with what I’ve done extracuurricularly.</p>
<p>I do wish I took AP Psychology sophomore year (awesome subject, an extra AP). But it doesn’t bother me much.</p>
<p>I wish I’d taken AP European History sophomore year, and disregarded some random counselor’s advice NOT to take AP Statistics (he didn’t even know me… and I almost had an A+ in Algebra II/Trig Honors). I’m not terrible at math at all.</p>
<p>EDIT: I also should have switched out of several of my classes. I got pretty terrible teachers.</p>
<p>I wish I’d have been way less lazy and made far better choices, but it’s what it is.</p>
<p>I got screwed teacher-wise throughout HS. Each year I had at least two teachers who fit the “most difficult teacher in the subject” category (note that since my HS is huge there is about an average of 4 teachers for each honors/AP class). So, more homework and a harder grading scale. This dropped my GPA by about .1 (estimate). So, if I re-enrolled right now, I can almost guarantee that I’d have easier teachers. You may be like: wait? You can’t determine teachers! True to an extent; at my former school, if you take certain classes certain years and times you are guaranteed an easy class. Like if someone takes intro physics sophomore year (all the smart math/science types take it freshman year) you are put into a nice curve. There are dozens of other ways to do this. It’s called “gaming the system.” A few people have enough foresight to do it, and it works. Really disturbing. The point of school isn’t to game it. It’s to learn…</p>
<p>So, if I got easier teachers, I wouldn’t have learned as much. In conclusion, I’m glad I got the harder teachers. They really pushed me. </p>
<p>I also wish I did more clubs. 2nd semester senior year I branched out a bit and found some really interesting stuff.</p>
<p>i wish i found a cure to cance, diabetes, heart disease…you name it.</p>
<p>Curing diseases for college admissions?</p>
<p>^ Mhmm. If you really could cure those diseases, you’d be rollin’ in dough and job offers anyways.</p>
<p>I wish I’d gone to a high school where I would be happy at.</p>
<p>And I wish I’d never joined concert band. Or started slacking off second semester of every year.</p>
<p>I wish I worked harder in all my math classes. Not really for admissions, but just general academic regrets. I could have gotten A’s in all of those classes.</p>
<p>I wish I had written something and gotten it published.</p>