Currently I work about 16 hours on the weekend, and it’s retail so my shifts could be anywhere from starting at 7 am to anytime later. The job is fine for what it is, but we’re getting towards crunch time in the semester and I’m starting to feel the stress. My problem is that I just started this job in August, which means I’ve only been here for three months. Holiday season is also coming up, and I’d feel bad if I left before then. This isn’t a huge retail store though. We have roughly 20 employees. Ideally I’d get a job on campus that only works 10 or so hours a week. School comes first though…what would you do?
Can you ask them about scaling back your hours?
I could try, but weekends are when they need the most help. Occasionally they’ll give me 14 hours. i know that I won’t get less than that.