<p>So I'm finishing up my 2nd year at UCSB and just recently found out I didn't make it into the Econ/Accounting major. This has literally put me into depression because I really tried hard and didn't succeed which really hurts. I know I could have done better, but the party environment at this school has really gotten to me, I live in a house of 10 people and there is an almost constant drug use and partying (which I have come to DESPISE!!!!!!!!!!) and I just feel distracted at this school. The only other major here that really interests me is Financial Mathematics/Statistics but it would require 24 units of pre-major classes (I would be essentially starting over). I have actually come to hate this school A BIT since I didn't get into my major.
Now I'm basically doing nothing, taking 13 units general ed, I would have been taking upper division econ courses, but now I'm in limbo because I have no major. I'm 3 weeks into my classes and just now starting to even look at books or homework, this has been due to feeling so bad about what happened. The last 3 weeks have basically been just depression/anxiety/getting high to forget about reality, but I have so many issues to decide on.
At this point it just seems like I've wasted 12k is student loans to get some gen. ed. done at this school. I really want to transfer colleges and go somewhere close to home, either Chico or Sac State, and save money while being able to refocus myself in a new environment. I'm unsure if I should stick with econ/acc (maybe I didn't do well cause it doesn't interest me enough), but I'm considering between construction management, financial planning, physical therapy or anything else really; basically I'm completely undecided.
Am I stupid for wanting to transfer to a 'lower ranked' college? I've been told I would have a better job outlook graduating from UCSB compared to Chico or Sac, but if I can't even do a major I really want what's the point? Is graduating from UCSB that prestigious, because part of me wonders if I'm leaving just because of temporary depression and I'll end up wishing I had stayed here. Overall, I think I need to leave, but I'm still worried it's the wrong choice.
I'm a guy and just writing all this out has me crying, not getting into the econ major at this school was a huge blow to me. I have now experienced my first panic attack and still can't seem to shake the depression due to all this. I'm furious with myself for not succeeding, I don't think I've ever felt lower in life. I might even fail all of my classes due to how little effort I'm now putting in now.
Please offer any and all input you might have about my situation!!!</p>
<p>Bump, anyone???</p>
<p>Since your post is as much about what to do with your college career as the transfer process, also post this on the Parents forum. They have lots of experience and tend to give good insight on situations like this.</p>
<p>You would get more answers if you posted in the “UC transfers” subcategory of the transfers thread here:
<a href=“UC Transfers - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/</a>
I am actually deciding between transferring to UC Davis or UCSB for econ. I was already worried about not making it past pre-econ so this has pretty much solidified my decision to go to Davis.</p>
<p>As far as what you should do, I would apply for transfer to Sac state, chico, maybe fullerton for spring while taking classes towards the financial mathematics major at SB. If you get into those schools you can weigh the costs and time it would take to graduate if you transferred vs staying at UCSB.
However by that time you will have taken a chunk out of that 24 units you need, and staying in SB and getting a financial mathematics degree would be far more beneficial than transferring to a CSU for econ. </p>
<p>^This thread wasn’t moved to the UC Transfers forum because that forum is for transfers INTO UCs.</p>
<p>Thanks entomom, just posted this in the Parents forum.</p>