<p>OK, so since there hasn't been school in a while, I've been dwindling away at the computer...yay. I was thinking about that nasty Chicago weather again and was wondering how the heck do people drive when Chicago gets heavy snowfall. Is it like a huge beast rolling down lakeshore drive waiting to devour any unsuspecting travelers? Or is everybody more like a bunch of old grannys? I just don't want to get run over and killed. :)</p>
<p>Everyone but the crazy people drive like grannies. Usually it's plowed or salted, but Chicago is claiming their huge shipment of salt was 'delayed' so we get to play Slip'n'Slide on the roads.</p>
<p>Nothing like taking a blind corner with the E-brake... Hooray empty, icy, Idaho roads</p>
<p>^nothing like a friendly hello to the ditch!</p>