<p>ok well this is my senior year and i might be going to a different school for this year. weird i know...but the problem is they really want me to start as a junior instead of a senior. The reasons why I dont want to do it is because
1. i will be ineligible for my senior year for sports because you only have four years since you start freshmen year.
2. I dont want to be a year behind everybody else like all my friends.
3. The types of classes wouldnt differ like honors and ap because either way ill take the same type.
4. some classes would be messed up and i dont think i would want to take english 11 again.
5. What would colleges think of it? I dont do terrible in school and i have pretty good scores but would a college wonder why i decided to redo a year. If redoing junior year will get me into duke then ill do it but nothing is guaranteed.</p>
<p>SO what do YOU think I should do? And what will colleges think about it? Will they think I wimped out and wanted to get better grades or what? plus if they see i get better grades at the new school will they think its because the new school is easier cause its not. PLEASE I would love some responses!! Thank you soo much!!</p>
<p>Lots of kids repeat when going to a prep school, it can actually give you a chance to strengthen your record for college. Are you hoping to be a recruited athlete though? There could be some issues if that’s the case.</p>
<p>Also keep in mind that if this school is more competitive than the one you’re leaving, you have to consider how you’d do at Duke if you end up in the middle of their class as opposed to the top where you are. Looking at chances from a prep school can be tricky as they often have lots of recruited athletes and legacies, so have a hard look at their matriculation record and ask a lot of questions about those getting in with lower stats.</p>
<p>Why are they recommending that you repeat a year? If they are saying that their school is tougher, can they back that up? If it is a more demanding school, are you willing and able to work harder than you have in the past? Don’t repeat without a good reason.</p>
<p>Not really hoping to be recruited. I think if I ended up in the middle at the new school I would be doing better than if I was at the top of my old school. They want me too so I could maybe get an IB diploma and also they usually require 3 years of language but i would only be able to get 2. Yeah they can back it up. Their test scores and other stuff makes them the best school in my area. and it is demanding but I never have truly lived up to my “studying potential” i guess you could call it but im sure i can work hard for this school. If this gets me into Duke ill totally do a repeat but i know they cant guarantee me that. and im still wondering if these selective colleges were going to be like um why did she do that?</p>
<p>In terms of getting a good education, probably. In terms of college admission, probably not. In the vast majority of cases you will have a better chance at top colleges being at the top of an average public school class than being mid class at an elite prep school. Many people don’t understand this before they sign on with the prep school.</p>
<p>At top prep schools, often a third of every class is repeating, more at some. These can be very rigorous schools that most are not well prepared for at their public school. Don’t worry about repeating.</p>
<p>Thanks! its just the idea of repeating is ughh…but if the colleges will like be better because of it then ill try to do it. Well the sports thing is you only have four years to play starting from the year you start freshmen year. so if i repeat a grade after that year my senior year i cant play sports.</p>