This is Awsome! All Worship PR now!

<p>Joe bloggs theory is genious. Pick what you think is right at the beginning. Then when you get to the hard problems seek out the probelms you think are right and cross them out. Then pick one that looks like a word you never saw in your life.</p>

<p>No thanks...</p>

<p>PR Sucks b@lls!!!
that crap about SC final questions use difficult words it total BS! They cant even prove it in their own tests1!!</p>

<p>Lol attention: I have a better method.
Play eenie-meenie-minee-moe. For example:
There are 5 choices. Do the EMMM method and go with whatever choice you end up on! It's your choice which letter to start the rhythm with.</p>

<p>P.S. my friend who had a 600 total did this and got 650. ;) (jk)</p>

<p>...lmao! :D</p>

<p>I dont see why it sucks because its in level of difficulty as you progress. Its true that college board is looking for the average people to pick the one that "seems right" so if you DONT pick the one that "seems right" your using the PR joe bloggs method. Also they teach you to pay close attention to imported words from other countries.</p>

<p>If you know the words then NOT picking the one that's right means that you picked the wrong answer.
It merely works by chance if you don't excel with vocab.</p>

<p>omgawd PR BLAH! and JOEBLOGSS is for multiple choice-challenged kids who need confidence in guessing!</p>

<p>Oh MAAHH GAWD!! Wait did you ever hear of the Summoning of the SAT God method?
You need a yellow post it for this. It MUST be yellow, because he only likes yellow. You have to write your name, the date, and the SAT administration city on it. Then you must stuff it in your pockets as you take the SAT, mumbling the words: "SAT God save me... save me... which choice is right?" Close your eyes, and he will tell you. If you see a big red letter "A", then bubble in A. You must ALWAYS close your eyes when asking him, though, because otherwise it's disrespectful.
And you must offer him sacrifices of binder paper every day after the SAT day for 3 months... because he likes the number 3.</p>

<p>The best method to do well is to cheat off that smart kid sitting next to you</p>

<p>haha, Psycho.</p>

<p>The best option would be to skip it! All hail Grammatix!</p>

<p>The best choice is to take down the unknown words on your skin; then, during those little breaks, go to the bathroom, and look up the word on the dictionary you had in your pocket all along. At last, go back to your seat and flipback to the page of the skipped question and kill it.</p>

<p>If the proctor spots you in the action , wait about thirty seconds and raise your hand.He/she will come to address whatever it is you supposedly want. Just then, discretely slip her a twenty. </p>

<p>--If after the handing of the money, the proctor is shocked, pretend that the whole thing was a joke and laugh hysterically. If he/she is still suspicious, offer to pay $100 after the exam.</p>

<p>^ the procedure above is merely a joke and I highly recommend you do not try cheating under any circumstances. Being acquainted with the vocab is your best weapon ;-]</p>

<p>^^^Hahaha.... I tried that method, it didn't go so well... (JK!)^^^</p>

<p>That Joe Bloggs thing... how stupid does PR think we are? Okay, let's see, I know what A and C mean, and I've seen B used before, so I'll go with D, which I've never ever seen in my life. </p>

<p>They should come up with something that makes sense, maybe something to do with root words, instead of the barbaric random choice method.</p>

<p>Wow I must explain into further depth. PR method reminds the test taker that the hard questions have loopholes and tricks. It says that if you think one answer to a question is right and your an average test taker (not for good test takers because they actually sometimes know its right) then you need to eliminate it based on its simplicity. Like for instance, they are not going to put: simple.....fantastic as a answer to a hard question.</p>

<p>Okay that makes more sense, lol.</p>

<p>i was reading this college book, and it said "don't be an asian joe bloggs and major in math or science"...i spent the rest of the day laughing</p>