:| this is becomign annoying

<p>I went to check my status today, expecting for the the status to change from</p>

<p>“You application has been processed etc. you will here back in a few weeks”</p>


<p>“A decision has been made”</p>

<p>well now my status is “not all materials have been recieved”</p>

<p>This is so gay, I had to e-mail em to figure out what the hell they were missing…they said that the admissions counselor said she wants to see my 7th semester grades before a decision is made.</p>

<p>:| so if i didn’t email them I just would’ve sat here and waited for a decision that never would have come.</p>

<p>btw, what is 7th semester…I’m not familiar with semester scheduling as my school doesn’t work like that.</p>

<p>Arizona wants to see your grades from the semester you just finished, first semester senior year.</p>

<p>thats good news for me I guess then...I had like an 83 last quarter.</p>

<p>This quarter I have like a 2 :|</p>

<p>UofA took FOREVER to get a letter back, but they do individually read the essays...but still</p>

<p>amc26 -- when dealing with U of A, always call. You will get a prompt answer. My experience is that they are slow to respond to email, and slower to send out mail (time between "a decision has been made" to receipt of letter is about 3 weeks. Once you are sure all of your materials are in, call.</p>

<p>essay? I did the personal statement, and I did my own personal essay just for UofA...but there wasn't a required essay was there!~?</p>

<p>no personal statement is all i did too...no real essay</p>

<p>yea sorry. essay=personal statement. my bad.</p>