<p>it doesn't make a difference if I forgot to change my spring classes from PL to IP for the TAU does it? Just went to check my app and realized I totally forgot...</p>
<p>^ no its fine im sure they know pl turns to ip</p>
<p>I did the same thing. We’re fine</p>
<p>I’m sure if you didn’t update any of your spring classes from PL to IP then they will assume that its in progress. for my case though, i wasn’t able to get one of the classes i listed as planned so i made sure to fully update the spring semester</p>
<p>oh that is not a stupid question. i saw my PL status and i was like, “What the hell is that?” could not even remember what the PL meant. thanks for reminding me. glad i left them that way because none of them are required, nor do they fulfill any requirements so i opted credit/no credit on all those courses. of course i have A levels in all of them. no stress and you always get an A, right? hahah. that’s okay too.</p>