This is what CC is for???

<p>Does anyone know when I'm supposed to send mid year grade reports (the first trimester already ended) to places I was accepted to EA?</p>

<p>Lol. I was wondering this just today. I need to know it too.</p>

<p>I still have next week. =O! Hope for some good grades.
(edit: not to ea schools for me, though)</p>

<p>I guess it depends on what school you go to, but I’ve never heard of seniors sending their own. Usually, the counselor sends it.</p>

<p>Trimesters? Are you pregnant?</p>

<p>EDIT: pregnant with love for the trimester system</p>

<p>lol University of Chicago kind of has trimesters so it’s cool</p>

<p>It makes classes run more quickly and longer periods every day means more learning :)</p>

<p>Trimesters are nice…</p>

<p>At my high school, the college counselors sent these reports to all of your schools once grades were in for the fall trimester.</p>