This May Seem Like an Odd Question...

<p>Hey there! I was just curious, do you know of any colleges that have amazing trails for running? Thnaks so much for your help!</p>

<p>you would need to look for small schools... and i haven't seen any yet... syracuse is pretty tree-ish</p>

<p>I know that Middlebury and Dartmouth both have hiking trails nearby...but you could probably run on them.</p>

<p>This may seem like an odd answer, but being an avid runner myself, I think just about any college campus is great for running as long as 1) it's not in an urban setting like Columbia, Chicago, Penn or JHU, and, hence, not too cramped and limited by roads and 2) the weather is perfect all year long. I took a summer course at Stanford once, and going for a jog every morning was a great pleasure.</p>

<p>In terms of campus only, I'd say schools in the Cambridge area are great for running (you can run along the beautiful Charles River). Or if you like large bodies of water, schools on the beach like UCSB or on lake shores like Wisconsin-Madison or Northwestern (which actually looks more like an ocean front with the Chicago skyline along the side, it was pretty amazing when I visited!) are great choices as well. Although, schools in the Northeast and the Midwest might be too cold to run in the winters.</p>


<p>Back in the day, one of my parents' best friends almost chose Cornell over Harvard because of the amazing trails.</p>

<p>^ I can't believe I forgot to mention Cornell!</p>

<p>Yes, Cornell's campus is a forest haven sitting on the beautiful lake Cayuga.</p>

<p>I'm sure it'd be amazing to run there :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. I have a bit of a dilemna though. While I do want to have the luxury of trails at my foorstep, I'd like to be within the general vacinity of a metropolis. Any schools that would fit that bill? By the way, temperature doesn't matter to me, I do winter jogs too.</p>

<p>Well most of the schools I mentioned, except for Cornell, is definitely within the general vicinity of a city. Cambridge is minutes away from Boston, Madison isn't exactly a grand metropolis but definitely not a rural setting like Cornell either. UCSB is in Santa Barbara, but if you want a bigger city you can always drive down to LA in half-an-hour. Northwestern is about 20 minutes from Chicago, where you can see the skyline of downtown Chicago from the campus like I mentioned above. And Stanford is a 45 minute bus ride to San Franciso and also close to San Jose, if you'll settle with that.</p>

<p>I'm thinking Northwestern and Stanford might fit your bill.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice everyone, its realy a great help. I have yet another problem though; I doubt I can get into most of these schools(with the exception of maybe Middlebury). Any schools that are maybe a tier lower than the ones mentioned(I know it isn't all abot SATs, but could you just use my score of 1390/2070 as a guideline?). Keep the posts coming!</p>

<p>Cornell has an awesome trail with an awesome view. Dartmouth has a nice area but cold. Williams is a great place as the entire area is fair running ground.</p>

<p>UCSC has some mountain biking trails......and maybe there are good trails to jog on, on campus, but honestly I don't know.</p>

<p>Santa Cruz isn't that big (maybe like 60k population) but it is about 30 minutes from San Jose and about an hour and a half or 2 hours from San Francisco.</p>

<p>From what I understand, there are some very good running trails in Carleton's 800 acre Arb.</p>

<p>University of Oregon</p>

<p>Eugene, Oregon is known as Track Town USA. Running is an extremely popular activity at UO. The running club at UO is pretty competitive and they actually travel. I know that they will be running a race this year at Indiana U in Bloomington. Most years, they also go to Stanford.</p>

<p>There's a trail near campus called "Pre's Trail" (named after Steve Prefontaine). It's one of the best running trails in the country.</p>

<p><a href="'s_Trail"&gt;'s_Trail&lt;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Worried Student, is Eugene OR near Portland?</p>

<p>Emory has Lullwater right in the middle of campus--it's beautiful.</p>