<p>What college has like good running areas. Like I know LSU has some really good lakes to a run around that I do on a weekly basis.
Really like Vandy, Duke, Ga TEch, WASHUSTL, Rice, Texas A&M ( all these southern schools) if yall know anything.</p>
<p>Rice has a gorgeous running loop under shady oaks!</p>
<p>Duke has its own huge forest next to campus, with 2342342323523 trails, give or take a few. When I was going through it during my visit, there were a lot of kids running in and out of the forest on trails, as well as bicycling.</p>
<p>wash u has a huge park right across called forest park, it was designed by the urban planners who did central park, it is beautiful and people always run there...also tulane has a really nice park across the street from its campus which is nice to run in</p>
<p>Northwestern is right on the lake, and they had some greatbeachfront trails. Evanstown seemed like a relatively safe area to run too....</p>
<p>Bumpy Bump</p>