<p>How many of you on here have kept a sibling off cc or not told them about it till the right time?</p>
<p>my brother is going to pharmacy school in a year and he already took the PCAT, so he really has no interest in this. My twin sister would rather watch jerry springer or maury than even glance at this forum.</p>
<p>I can barely stand too much of this forum :O I doubt anyone in my family would be interested in this. They'd be a lot more outspoken than me, which would cause too many problems on this board :P</p>
My twin sister would rather watch jerry springer or maury than even glance at this forum.
<p>Ewww, Maury?</p>
<p>I've tried to get my sister on here... she made a couple posts but wasn't interested. she's really too young anyway though.</p>
<p>I shall wait until the time is right...</p>
<p>i'll wait for at least a few more years haha...my brothers 5 years younger than me</p>
<p>I guess I could let my dog post on here?</p>
<p>My brother perhaps...later this summer but the rest of my family. No way.</p>
<p>My family couldn't care less about it.</p>
<p>my mother occaisonally comes on here. she doesn't really post though, and she's the reason I started coming here. I try to stay away from sections I think she might be reading though.</p>
<p>Well, my first grader brother has already had weekly "College Awareness Days," and "College Night," and "College Week" at his school. Why not stress him out and show him what's coming!?! </p>
<p>Nah, I like him too much. He still can't believe I don't get recess at high school. My other brother is in middle school. He's really not interested right now.</p>
<p>For my sisters sake, I haven't told my parents about this site. They were on my ass after one of those stupid college nights, so just imagine what would happen if they heard about some of the ECs that people do here.</p>
<p>My little sister (11 years old) posted a response to a thread (about Macbeth or something... innocuous) under my username, then was horrified--she hadn´t realized it would look like I posted it! My mom helped her delete it... and it all happened while I was in the shower, so I´m not supposed to know about it. But my mom told me privately. :p</p>
<p>Anyway, my mom was the one who introduced me to CC. She hasn´t got an account, though, I don´t think; she was a lurker. She says she doesn´t read my posts except by accident. ^_^</p>
<p>my brother wouldnt care. neither would my parents or my friends. why would they...? its not like i talk about my excessive gambling, promiscuous sex life, and raging drug use or something.</p>
<p>Well, I'm the youngest so I don't have any siblings that need to use this website. However, my niece is about to go to high school and she could use CC. There's one problem, though: she doesn't care about school.--lol</p>
<p>I told my older sister about it.. It's too late for her though, she's done with junior year and pretty much has done everything..</p>
<p>Personally, this site brings upon stress that I don't necessarily need during the summer, yet I still keep returning to it. It's a sad addiction. I'd rather not let my younger sibs get involved at their tender age.</p>
<p>i didn't tell my sister until she found it herself, like a year and a half later... about the time she sent in her applications. my brother the 4.0 "perfect kid" in my parent's eyes, could care less</p>
<p>But personally, I wish I would have known about this site around the start of Sophmore year.</p>