<p>Ok, not everyone in the world has a 4.0 GPA with around a 2000 SAT, ranked in the top 10 of their high school. All this site does is create distortion. I always look in the what are my chances section, and people always put others down if they aren't perfect. "No shot at all", "I have better SAT scores", and other stupid comments like that are just so dumb. Many people on here seriously seem to view themselves as numbers and statistics. Listen people, your SAT scores and GPA don't dictate your life. Sure it may influence a part of it, but you don't need to go to an Ivy league school to be viewed as successful. This site should be renamed Studentswhothinktheyarejustanumberandwanttogotoivyleagueschools.com. My god. People here make others feel like crap for not being Ivy League material, even if they're still VERY smart. Honestly, are your egos so big that you jack off to your GPA and SAT scores after you post them sticking your chest out? This is just a place to brag about your exaggerated grades and accomplishments in an effort to gain confidence you were lacking elsewhere. It's really sad. In the end, we will all get jobs and the name of the school on the diploma won't matter. I can make 100 grand a year eventually graduating from my school, while someone from Harvard makes the same. Everyone just looks for the name brand schools to boast and bathe in their ego. I just feel like I need to put things in perspective on here. Don't go to the University of Texas or USC for sports, go for education. Don't go for the name brand school, go for the school that fits YOU. What college you go to only matters now, and when everyone is grown up, you are a person, not a calculated GPA. Relax...school isn't everything in life. It's obviously important, but you need to get out and live life too. You are not a number or a score, you are a person. Start thinking that way, and stop letting grades take over your life. Anything 3.0 and better is a good grade in my opinion, so get real...you don't need a 4.0 GPA to get into schools and be successful.</p>
<p>I agree. 10char</p>
<p>I completely agree. I see all these people trying to get into these ivies for the sole purpose of prestige. If there’s a specific program they are aiming for in an ivy, then yes that’s another thing. But seriously, you should focus on why you want to go somewhere and do something-not how that something will “look” or “appear” to everyone else.</p>
<p>I tend to just ignore all of that stuff and use the site to learn what is required, what schools are out there, SAT info., etc. There is a lot of Ivy talk, but since that is not my focus, I try to look at the things that will help out with the college questions. For those things, and for the camaraderie I feel with others going through the same process, it is invaluable. Take what you need, and leave the rest if it is going to bother you. There is something for everyone, here and in the rest of the world.</p>
<p>Im with linfort. Much of what’s on here is as the original poster says. But there are nuggets of information that can be helpful and some genuine folks who have a rational perspective.</p>
<p>FWIW the truly ridiculous part of CC is the ‘chance me’ section. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>That was one of the best posts i have read, good job. It is TRUE , but NOT TO EVERYONE some people on here do really need help on their college admissions.</p>
<p>Becoming? where have you been…</p>
<p>this is true and it shows how disgustingly competitive the IVYs and other top schools have made the american youth. If you get good grades and go to a decent school, youll do fine in life, theres no need to go to Yale when you can go somewhere else where you like the environment,</p>
<p>chance me if you have the time at
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/635725-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/635725-chance-me-i-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>I AGREE. I don’t even want to go to most Ivy’s.</p>
<p>I just want to go to Brown because I think it fits me and I love it!!</p>
<p>Also I do not consider myself just a bunch of numbers or a long list of EC’s, and I consider others the same. Stories are what really touch me.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/638334-brown-kid-story.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/638334-brown-kid-story.html</a></p>
<p>Yeah, thank you people! I mean, this is supposed to be a friendly, helpful college site, not a site to compare grades where 90% of the people claim to have Ivy worthy grades to make you feel like ****. 3.0 GPA’s and better are GOOD GRADES. People said I would never get in my school with my GPA, but I did. Applying to college is such BS, because it pits person against person, basically saying ok you’re the better choice, because your stats are higher. What colleges don’t look at enough is work ethic, and how bad you want to be at the school. I think there should be an interview for many schools and have it count as much as the SAT. The SAT is BS, because it only shows how well people can take tests. GPA’s can be BS because of 1 bad year for example your freshman year getting used to HS or SR year getting Senioritis. Also, a tragic event might’ve occured during HS and your GPA takes a nose dive as a result. Schools need to know more about the PERSON applying, not just have them rattle off numbers trying to brag. Many colleges today are in essence telling us: “If you aren’t nearly perfect, you will be rejected” and that’s not how life works. For most of us, we have an unrealistic dream school that we would LOVE to go to, but can’t because it’s just too competitive. I never understood why we can’t go there…one person’s money is just as good as the next person’s. All these tests are demeaning people, and if they do bad, they feel like a failure, because that’s exactly what the schools will tell them. How can one test like the SAT carry so much weight with your future? ONE test. Unbelievable. I’m a smart kid, but I have test anxiety and blank out when there’s a big one. Is that my fault? No. Do I get scrutinized based on it? Yes. Our culture is headed in the wrong direction where people aren’t people anymore and they have no substance past a simple letter or number grade and it’s said. This whole site is seemingly backing up that assertion too. Honestly, probably 95% of the people on this site boast about having grades of at least 3.5+ and 1800+ SAT. That’s NOT normal. Most people fall below those. This site won’t talk about the still smart people with the early 3.0’s and average SAT scores like 1600 ish. All they care about is the top 5% of the smartest people in the nation (assuming they aren’t lying with their scores). Just remember, you aren’t a failure if you aren’t near perfect because none of us are. To all the kids on here that do nothing but brag and whine, nitpicking about their gaudy grades, get a life and get real. College only takes you so far in life. You still need to have character to get through it.</p>
<p>I wanted to bump this thread up, so more people can have insight on this.</p>
<p>Do you guys understand that in most countries college admission is based on a single test? There isn’t another country on the planet to my knowledge that does the type of holistic admissions many US schools do.</p>
<p>10/10 would read again :)</p>
<p>Perhaps you can help me out?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/663742-university-arizona-help-needed-indebted-any-you-who-help-me.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/663742-university-arizona-help-needed-indebted-any-you-who-help-me.html</a></p>
<p>Can I get an amen, lol. No seriously, people have been turned into machines that spit out gpa’s and computer act scores. You can’t take that diploma to grave with you, lol. If some people want to eat, sleep, and breathe the school they go to that is their problem, but there is so much more to life. The entire system has made this generation into some mindless drooling drones, who don’t learn anything, but sure know how to make good grades and ACT scores. If students were truely this competitive, our schools wouldn’t be behind every industrialized nation, and the governement and businesses wouldn’t be complaining about how kids aren’t going into math, engineering, and sciences. The truth is, some of the most successful people today, owners of major corps, never even graduated from the colleges they went to. You know why, because they knew the college name, or degree wouldn’t make them successful. They new that only they could determine their success and use their full potential. lol, yeah, everyone will end up with the same jobs. Hell, most people who learn trades end up making in the 6 figs. To them, paying several hundred thousand dollars to go to an Ivy to major in english, is completely idiotic. Hell, they would spend several hundred dollars on school, more less several hundred thousand. I is the way American culture has been designed. You have to have a bigger house than the next guy, or a fancier car, or a nicer lawn, or your kids have to be smarter than your brothers kids, or they have to go to a better school than your neighbors, and the list goes on and on. Isn’t everyone missing the point? We aren’t promised tomorrow people. Yeah sure, you might be going to that Ivy, but whose to say you won’t die before graduation, easy up a little people. Get a grip. The sky is not falling.</p>
<p>Thank youuuuu. </p>
<p>From a student with a sucky GPA whose self-esteem has been severely damaged by the chances secction.</p>
<p>Well said.</p>
<p>OMG. Thank you for writing this!!! I couldn’t have said it better. When I first came to this site, I thought it would be so helpful. Then, I saw everyone else’s numbers and stuff and I was like “Woah, I guess I’m not going to college.” And it’s even worse when you have people ask to be chanced when they KNOW they’ll be accepted. Like I saw a Cornell applicant with like a 4.5 GPA, president of every club, met the president, found the cure for AIDS, ended world hunger, found bin Laden, received an Oscar, etc… It’s ridiculous.</p>
<p>Can I finally get chanced where I’m not being set next to the girl with the 4.5?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/664258-do-i-have-chance-being-accepted.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/664258-do-i-have-chance-being-accepted.html</a></p>
<p>this is true. not being racist here, but it seems everyone one this site is an asian overachiever has obscene GPA and unnecessarily long EC lists. like when i see kids with over 5.0 gpa’s im like <strong><em>? in my school you can’t even get over an 4.5. What happened to high school being about going to parties, hooking up, and enjoyin being young with your homeboys? School’s important and everything, but you need a balance. It’s all about balance, school during the week, party and bull</em></strong>** on the weekend. enuff said</p>
<p>How are kids getting these insane averages. The HS I went too was based on a 4.0 scale. Where are all of these extra points coming from. So, you are telling me that a 4.0 is not good enough. What the hell is going on with the world?</p>