This Tender Land - August CC Book Club Discussion

I think we’ve sufficiently plumbed the depths of This Tender Land. We can choose our October selection whenever you’re ready!

I loved Stacey Abrams “While Justice Sleeps,” and believe it would have lots to talk about. I was able to get it from our local library fairly quickly by reserving.

@HImom, do you think we could have a successful discussion without bringing partisan politics into it? CC is awfully strict about that.

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Considered previously (omitting any vetoed or any still hard to get):
Sharks in the Time of Saviors
Deacon King Kong

And did we already consider (I think we did but didn’t see them when I glanced back):
The Dutch House
The Ninth House

New Suggestions:
Olympus, Texas
The Odyssey
- Emily Wilson (first time translated by a woman) You guys knew this suggestion was coming, right? LOL

I have While Justice Sleeps on hold now and would have no problem getting it. I’m #1 on the list but there are 119 holds for the hardcopy right now. It may be hard for others to get. I’m happy to see a thumbs up recommendation from @HImom. I’m willing but as #1 on the hold list that’s easy for me to say.


There is a lot to unpack in the book and I think the people on the thread can avoid having posts flagged as they have for all these months and years. I’m open to others it’s just the most riveting book I’ve read in awhile.

I’m not down with The Odyssey. I’ve been having trouble concentrating, and I don’t think that’s the book to help me overcome that!


I figured it would be quickly vetoed but thought I’d throw it out for consideration anyway.


And, that is exactly why we love you, Ignatius ! Fearless and bold !


I’d veto the Stacey Abrams book, not because I wouldn’t like to read it, but because I think dancing around the TOS rules would be a pain. You know what I would like to read though, is one of her romance novels. :grin:



(But, truthfully, I’m not interested.)

Hmmm, since you don’t object to the book itself, I’m going to leave on While Justice Sleeps, at least for the time being. Dancing around the rules might be an interesting challenge. :slight_smile:

Veto for her romance novels, though, and also for The Odyssey, per above comments.

So we’re at:

While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams
Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn
Deacon King Kong by James McBride
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann

I just put While Justice Sleeps on ebook hold; I don’t think the library system has hardcovers yet! In the meantime, I’ll try out one of the mystery romances.

And I checked out The Ninth House; I liked the Shadow and Bone series on Netflix so am interested in this book series.

Olympus, Texas sounds intriguing- perhaps with a companion Greek mythology book! (I may still have an Edith Hamilton book from college days.) I also put it on hold.

Sharks and Dutch House would be next, but not really interested in Deacon.

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Hadn’t realized that While Justice Sleeps was fiction. Read the blurb, take back any reservations. :grin: It was available right away on Overdrive, on hold as a hardcover. (But there are a lot of copies in the system.)


Abrams wrote it for over a decade and yes it is fiction. Fascinating and very engaging read, imho.


The Dutch House looks really good. I’ll put that as my #1. The other choices are all of fine with me. If I must pick two more I’ll go with Sharks in the Time of Saviors and While Justice Sleeps.

Taking off Deacon King Kong per semi-veto above.

While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams
Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann

Those are my two picks in that order.

While Justice Sleeps- my pick. Any other one is fine, too.

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I love when someone has read a book and endorses it for book discussion.

While Justice Sleeps works, but what really intrigues me will be watching our always even keeled sweet leader @Mary13 enforce the TOS. :smiley:


No really strong preferences from @Mary13’s list, although I’d put “Olympus, Texas” at the bottom.