This Tender Land - August CC Book Club Discussion

I read The Dutch House and enjoyed it greatly. It’s my first choice. I could also be very happy with While Justice Sleeps. I just put a hold on it. And Olympus, Texas looks interesting to me.

Sharks and The Ninth House both seem to have elements of magic and/or the occult, and I’m not a fan.

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I vote “The Dutch House”. The While Justice Sleeps is in at my library, which I am shocked about, so I would approve of that.

Me, too. I’d never have read (or even heard of) The Street without @VeryHappy’s endorsement.

Given the comments above, it seems that now is the moment for While Justice Sleeps. Everyone seems to be on board with that, in varying degrees, so let’s do it!

The fact that it’s fiction should help us avoid TOS issues. It’s not the content of the book itself (seems acceptably Grisham-like), but that the author is a bit of a lightning rod. And we do always discuss the authors to some extent, especially if they draw from their own lives to create their work.

But we can do this! Looking forward to the selection. I’ll start a new thread.

Postscript: The Dutch House was the other favorite. The book is on my shelf, unread, and I’m going to leave it there for a while in hopes of it being a future CC selection. I count on @ignatius to remember to add it to the list for our next round. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Oops, too late to put in a vote! I just got back from my trip and didn’t have a chance to look into the choices before this.

While Justice Sleeps is great as I haven’t read any books written by Stacey Abrams.

Just checked my library and there is a long wait for all formats of the book. They have a large print version on order that I may just get in time for October. Fingers crossed that I can read the book in time to join the discussion.

Meanwhile, I’m reading Miss Benson’s Beetle by Rachel Joyce and next I plan to take yet another stab at finishing Middlemarch :sweat_smile:


Glad you are good with the choice, @AnAsmom! I’m now on two waiting lists for While Justice Sleeps (hardcover and Kindle), but I fully expect that I’ll get it within a month, which will work perfectly.

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I am silently following along and hope to join you all in October!


Update: I wrote this before reading @Mary13 's post about our real choice! Yay, I just put a library hold on it.

I’d love to read While Justice Sleeps.

The Dutch House was good, but I don’t plan to reread it. I’ll follow along if y’all do! (Tom Hanks is peachy in the audio version.)

Not a veto, but a preference, I’m not into any fantasy or magical things, so Sharks and The Ninth House don’t sound like my jam.


I’m with @jollymama about the fantasy/magical things.

I like the fantasy/magical things, probably because I read for escapism, not realism. I keep running into what are possibly YA lengthy book series. I read them like binging tv shows.


I like fantasy and science fiction not just for escapism though sometimes that is fun too, but also because it’s often a way to explore ideas about religion, ethics, consequences of technology without getting either too political or just too depressing. It gives you different ways of seeing the world.


“While Justice Sleeps,” is the 1st book I’ve ever read by Stacey Abrams. I have great admiration for her as a person and now as a writer. I found it pretty riveting and hope others enjoy it as well.

Have read that a TV series is being made based on the book.


I’m looking forward to it, I’m picking up one of her other books at the library today and am on hold for Justice both as an e-book and a hardcover.

So what is everyone reading. I’m in the middle of a fantasy series (Book3 of 4 projected) by a New Zealand writer. It’s a bit steam-punky but with the (mostly somewhat malevolent fae involved.) It’s a bit like Downton Abbey with magic and imagine that the entire estate is like a sentient puppy. Quite funny in places. The Lord of Stariel – AJ Lancaster


Read “Hour of the Witch” - Chris Bohjalian

Have “Four Winds” Kristan Hannah, ebook checked out

Trying “writers and Lovers” Lilly king, based on cc best book I’ve read, recommendations


I like Fantasy/Science fiction because I like to hopscotch genres. So let’s say that I like Fantasy/Science fiction the same way I like Historical fiction/Mystery/Westerns/Classics/etc. It’s what has kept me hanging around the CC Bookclub as long as I have (2009). It’s the mix of book choices that do it for me. I get bored if I stick in one genre too long. One of my real-life book clubs just threw out six suggestions for September - all historical fiction … women-centric. I’m opting out for the month because … just been there/done that.

So what am I reading now:

Busman’s Honeymoon Lord Peter Wimsey #11. Just finished it. Yay, me!

Miss Benson’s Beetle

People We Meet on Vacation. Contemporary romance. (Longer than it needs to be.)

City of the Lost. Mystery/Thriller (and a book club choice. Good but not enough discussion material.)

The Witness for the Dead (The Goblin Emperor #2) Fantasy. I loved The Goblin Emperor and am quite happy with this one also.

Up next:

The Midnight Library

Snow, Glass, Apples - Neil Gaiman. Graphic novel. Fantasy/fairytale retelling


@ignatius I always bookmark your post about what you’re reading to refer to it later for inspiration on what to read.
I’m also a bit of a mystery/romance/fantasy/ classics junkie and can always find something unexplored in your reading lists!

I haven’t had the time to go to the library since I got back so my options are limited. But this is what I am currently reading.

Miss Benson’s Beetle It’s a fast read and I am enjoying it. It is due next week and I’ve run out of renewals so that is helping the pace.

Chugging along with Middlemarch. I am past the point where I stopped the last time but I just can’t like Dorothea. It’s been hard to keep reading.

Savoring Lord of the Rings for the nth time. A bit of light reading to counter the labored effort😂

Looking forward to reading the # 2 to The Goblin Emperor. I did enjoy the first but may need to refresh my memory.


Ignatius: Please tell us what these six books are!

I just finished:
The Operator (Berg)
These Women (Pochada)
All Adults Here (Straub)
The Premonition (Lewis)

I’m currently reading The Arctic Fury (McMillan).

Then I’ll start
The English Patient (Ondaatje)
Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women (Manne)
And Now We Have Everything: On Motherhood before We Were Ready (O’Connell)

And if I haven’t mentioned it already, I highly recommend Have You Seen Luis Velez? by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Not great literature for the ages, but a wonderful, uplifting story.

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@VeryHappy, that’s quite an impressive list for someone who is having trouble concentrating!

You all are such prolific readers; it’s amazing.

I just finished Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk – quite enjoyed it (and I think my late mother would have loved it).


I loved Middlemarch and would never have tackled it without this group. It exemplifies the reason I say this book club is the best one I’m in. It stretches me.

I reread The Goblin Emperor (or rather listened to the AudioBook) before starting The Witness for the Dead. I’m glad I did, though Emperor Maia and events from the first book are scarcely mentioned, because it pulled me back into that world again.


I erased the email that listed the choices. I’ll request it again and list the titles.


I read Middlemarch the first time when I was alone in Europe doing research for my senior thesis. I had a lot of extra time as I wasn’t really one to hang out in bars. I loved it. Then I tried again in my 30s with a house full of babies and couldn’t get into it at all, but I always wanted to give it another go, so I was glad when we picked it. I saw different things when I was older. Definitely found Dorothea a little hard to take at time.

It’s been a long time since I’ve reread The Lord of the Rings. I read it every year for years and years.

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