I’ve noticed that this website really isn’t fond of debating or continuing the conversation with certain topics like partying, academics, and other things related to everyday college life. This also ties into some of my posts, but most people just tell me how to fix my problem.
The issue for me is that I like to give feedback of your thoughts, but most of you don’t want to hear it because you want me to just accept my past mistakes; which is understandable, but it still makes me wonder why it’s not acceptable to give feedback on all topics, no matter what.
Debates without context usually don’t happen here. Usually, someone will bring up a practical issue and that creates discussion and debate on the related topic.
Of course, I came upon this thread after reading a few very go-nowhere threads with lots of debating about college-related issues. It pained me just to read them, lol.
@OhSorryYo But, I didn’t touch anyone at that party. Getting accused is different from actually doing it. She could’ve accused anyone because she was drunk at the party. Also, my lookalike might’ve touched her at that party. Furthermore, I was aware of the situation and I’m not sure why you think that I would do something like that.
All in all, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, it’s all over now and I’m not going to fight against this anymore. I’ll promise myself to stay away from situations like that. Plus, I think that college topics can be about anything related to college. Academics, social life, etc. So, if it happens at college, then is it a topic?
@dj1028 I do take people’s advice, but I just like to respond to whatever people say, which is why I like to debate on here. Now, I might not agree with everyone on here, which explains some of the “questionable content” in some of my posts. I never meant to be rude with others on here, but sometimes, frustration gets the best of me. So, I’ll just let things go if it’s going too far.
On an anon forum, we are what we write. There’s no other knowledge than that. It’s also wise not to aggravate people just because one likes to debate or doesn’t know when conciliation gets you farther.
At times, we all have issues with that. But, think about it. Threads can’t always tolerate too much batting back and forth.
That’s because it violates the forum rules. Most of the users on this thread have heard me say this many times: College Confidential is not a debate society. So no, I am not inclined to allow such a thread to exist.
Additionally, as per Terms of Service, repetitive posts are not allowed, so the myriad of threads you started that were variations of a party theme were shut down.
Additionally, also per Terms of Service, you are welcome to ask a moderator a question via PM, but questioning policies is not allowed on the forum.
Threads that ask for help for an issue are fine, as long as the user does not start multiple threads on the same topic, or argue/debate the advice being given, or otherwise violate ToS.