<p>Please help me out… I?m not going to make it until April.
Deferred EA, now in regular pool
My biggest reach, but made it VERY clear with the office that BC is my #1
Catch: Sister graduated class of '05, got me in for interviews (not normal)
Grandfather was a Triple Eagle
2 uncles that attended</p>
COMPETITIVE High School</p>
<p>3.7 GPA weighted (hurt by AP Bio junior year, challenging courses tho)
Class rank not given, assume top 15/20%
Classes thus far:
AP Calc, AP Physics, AP Psych, AP US History, AP Bio, Spanish 5 and all else honors</p>
<p>SATs: 1310/1970
680 M, 630 V, 660 W
SAT 2s
580 Hist, 630 Math L1, 550 Bio</p>
<p>Excellent/Good Essays
2 Excellent recs, 1 Good</p>
Soccer 4 years (Varsity 10, 11, 12)
Swimming 4 years (Varsity 10, 11, 12)
Have held a job since 10th grade
Appalachia Service Project 10, 11, 12
National Honor Society
Voluntary Youth Soccer Coach 10, 11, 12
Play the Saxophone in HS band</p>
<p>Have lived in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Illinois.
Moved to Ma in 9th grade.</p>