Thoughts on Muhlenberg, business school, quality of life, etc?

Hi All,
Any recent experiences or thoughts on life at Muhlenberg? Not a lot of posts about it and some are now outdated. My S is considering their business school. We had an interview/visit on a day when the weather was monsoon like so I don’t think we truly got the best feel for it. My observations were kind, polite students, a good amount of school spirit (lots of kids wearing their gear), seems like the arts is a huge focus, some buildings are beautifully updated and others are in need.

It is much smaller than he was initially looking for and not in a location that is easily accessible, but his merit money makes it definitely something to consider. He is a very easy kid, just does not want to be bored. He knows he will be fine anywhere academically and plans on making the most of internship opportunities. So his focus is more on finding the right fit socially, quality of life, with lots of school pride/spirit. He wants the whole package :slight_smile: Lol

I have a daughter who graduated from Muhlenberg and one that’s a sophomore. Like most schools, I think you get out what you put in. There are plenty of activities to get involved in and opportunities to pursue. Neither of my kids is business oriented though. The career and internship offices are excellent. Study abroad is encouraged. They both have had very good experiences there.

Do you know anything about the honors college? Or dana scholars or rj scholar?

Just curious how you heard about merit? I didn’t think decisions (and merit) came out until mid-March? I also have never heard about a business school there?

Thank you @WWC4me ~ that is good to hear! He is definitely the type to make the most of it and is excited for internship opportunities. I look forward to getting back there to see it again.

@time4adventure ~ I mispoke, not a “business school”. They have a department that offers accounting, business administration, economics and finance as majors. In regards to merit, we requested an early read because there are other factors in play.

The merit offers are written on their website.