Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Pitt gap is the best option, if you are sure about becoming a doctor - you are choosing amazing med school over the ivies. Pittsburgh location is ideal for gaining medical related experience as well.

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Anyone who is committing to rowan bs/md or do please Dm me. (I committed to bs/md ) Thank you!

Agree with others… apply broadly. You need a great story, great recommendation letters, and great essays. If you can take the test again, do so. If not, focus on what I just mentioned and you will be fine.

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Anyone going to the Cincy BS/MD please DM me!! I’d love to meet others also going.

Any thoughts on FAU BS/MD vs wash Jeff/temple? Cost is not an issue.

With W&J, there is 3.6 GPA and 509 MCAT requirement - is there an interview for MD matriculation?
With FAU BSMD, there is 3.7 GPA each semester and 510 MCAT requirement, and then there will be an interview after that. A parent indicated last year in CC BSMD thread saying that interview is a formality, you may need to validate if that’s still true.
Do you have a location preference?


Check with @Guard. Their D is probably committed to it.

Has anyone used college counselor? Need help. Any recommendations for BS/MD college counselor. Please feel free to message me. Thanks in advance

Thanks, @rk2017 for copying and sharing a post from this thread on the RESULTS Thread.

Requesting all applicants and parents to share their stats and perspectives in the RESULTS THREAD

SAT discontinued SAT Subject tests sometime last year.
A number of students who had given the Tests and had good scores did submit them to the colleges.
Hence you may see them reporting those scores in the RESULTS thread.

Any luck from the wait lists?
If you have already made a decision, please share your experience in the results thread below. Thank you.

still waiting! Hopefully people start notifying schools where they’re going soon.

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Has anyone heard any recent updates on the Union or REMS waitlists?

Congrats on your decision.
Please post your stats and experience in the below results thread.

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Hoping that you have made a decision on the traditional path. Please post your stats and experience in the below Results thread. Thank you.

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@gary2022 @a_a1 I just rejected REMS. Good luck!


I just noticed this post since someone responded to an earlier @S2022Senior post a day or two back. Wish I had responded to it sooner, I am not that frequent reader of this thread lately.

The reason the student hasn’t received interviews/acceptances - unless there were some development after that post - is more or less obvious, I think. Looking at the class profile, the class size is 80. So I guess it is some highly competitive specialized/magnet school where students compete at county level to get into. All the students are high achievers and with similar aspirations (or their parents’ ?). How can one ever stand out in such a distinguished bunch? (despite being 3rd in the class, they are not looking just at the rank) I would imagine half of the 80 or so would have applied to the same set of BS/MD/DO programs. The selection committees of these programs would go wild deciding who to call in for interviews and who not (generally they have a cap of how many students to invite or offer acceptances per school).

Apart from the above drawback, students attending such schools have few more, for example sports and extra curriculars. All the ECs generally tend to be more med related not showing diversity. Pretty much all of them have similar profiles. How many of them can get into ECs like debate, marching band, foot ball, tennis, swimming etc like in large public schools, since their schools may not have any or most of them.

Another factor is the way most of the BS/MD programs are very careful in consideration of the students’ backgrounds. They are more so than Ivies in this regard. Few years back a parent was complaining on this forum that his/her child was a first author on a number of research publications at NIH or somewhere. She applied to half a dozen BS/MDs and called for all the interviews but turned down by each one of them, whereas s/he got into Yale, Princeton, Columbia etc. The fact that a high school student was a first author on multiple NIH publications should have been a red flag or eye brow raising for all these committees (too bad, if the claims were actually true but guess they were suspecting some favoritism or connections). In a similar vein, chances are it may be perceived that the students choosing these specialized schools that early in their lives could be because of parents desire and not necessarily their own.

While I consider NYIT/DO is a decent program, considering the stellar achievements of your child so far, I think she will do quite well going traditional route and if she still wants to go DO route, can definitely do so in a few years time. If you haven’t made up your minds yet and/or committed, please consider this. And many times going to state school for undergrad is not a bad option at all (especially in NJ with excellent schools and departments), most likely your child with come out of undergrad almost for free with price breaks and awards and stellar credentials. Good luck with your decision and if you are comfortable share your decision here once done.


Drexel match list. You can see older match lists from previous years listed on the side.

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Just got email from UMKC, got admitted from waitlist out-of-state.