***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Did you get that answered? This is a big question for my child too. Also accepted to BSDO at NSU

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Same here. I have a feeling that they kept presidential to kids who did not apply to BSDO or other high demand dual programs. Interestingly enough DD said that her Presidential interview went very well and she was very unsure about group DO. So results were quite interesting.

my son’s girlfriend got the presidential scholarship and dental 7 year dual program at Nova. my son is still waiting for his scholarship news. seem like Nova is their top choice right now.

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We are waiting on other school news first. You know that there are about 50 Presidential total and close to 1000 students who went for 5 Shark preview weeks. Almost every single one interviewed for the Presidential…

Also, DD’s BS/DO results and news about scholarship came out 2 days apart. We went for the very first Shark preview week. I know already kids who committed.

APME usually sends out the invites at one time.

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@NoviceDad Hello!! How can I PM you? Upcoming interview for my son and would be great if he could connect with you. Thank you!

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Sent you a message.
Reply to that.

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@NoviceDad can you please PM me also? Thanks

Any tips for SUNY Upstate interview? It’s supposed to be on Kira Talent and they said there’s a short essay written portion as well.

Which feeder school?

Sent you DM yesterday.

It is MMI.
Do mock practice.

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@NoviceDad - In general, what kinds of activities would be going on at an MMI interview?

Got it thanks and responded

Can anyone confirm when Uconn will notify post interview? (If anyone knows/asked)

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applied thru ACPHS

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My son got his results from Uconn on April 1st week 3 yrs back. This year may be the end of March

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My D23 got rejected from Uconn BS MD. They gave Honors college admission with 24k STEM scholarship per year. Also Pitt sent out Honors college admission.

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