***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Brown PLME - accepted



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I got an email from sophie davis saying that theyre still reviewing my application for bs md but theyre giving undergrad right now. i was wondering if anyone else got that.


I didn’t get anything for Sophie Davis.

What do they mean giving undergrad right now? Did sophie Davis start releasing acceptances?

no like they said they were accepting me for undergrad, but like theyre still reviewing my bs md application so theyll let me know early april, but i doubt i got it tbh cus i feel like its way too late.

I don’t think Sophie Davis acceptances started rolling in. Most likely tomorrow

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I’m still waiting. Did you receive anything yet?

Hello! Is anyone currently in the PLME Program or recently received an acceptance? I would really like to connect with you!

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DM me.

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does anyone know how the drexel bs md program works? like they says its early assurance, but am i guaranteed a seat in the medical school if i meet the gpa and mcat or like do i just get an interview w the med school?

I’m currently a junior in the program. I’ll also be one of the campus ambassadors during ADOCH, happy to help

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No Ivy admissions for BSMD applicants in this group?

If you meet the requirements like u mentioned, you are guaranteed a seat in their med school.

Called LECOM yesterday. They called back and said results will be sometime in April. They have no idea when. That would be more than 60 days after interview.

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i thought if you meet gpa and mcat then u just get an interview with drexel med

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Anybody here accepted to Rowan University BSMD or waitlisted for the program ?

I did not get PLME but I did get into Harvard and Yale (REA). I have VCU BS MD and now just waiting on U Pitt decision. It’s a very tough call!


Take Harvard, you don’t get that opportunity again!


Daughter got into Upenn also . She is probably taking Rochester REMS . Tough call but I think she is clear that she wants to be in REMS

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