***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Is there anyway to make consultants identify themselves as such?. I see conflict of interest in some posts.

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It is not a requirement. The prohibition is that a user cannot use the site to solicit business.

Let’s get back to topic please. Questions about the forum rules can be emailed to the admin.

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Those who have made decisions, please start posting your results so future applicants may benefit.


We got in Syrucuse / Upstate Medical School! Got a call from Krystal Ripa. Is there a group chat with other Admitted students she can join?


I don’t think that there is an accepted group chat. I’m attending via RIT. When did u interview?

2024 preliminary rankings from USNWR out and discussions on other site.


Good move by US news to change the approach to ranking by giving more weight to real research funds at institutes and greater faculty:student ratio etc.) which is the most important for medical students as availability of research and mentoring access are main factors in shaping the careers and matching.

It would be interesting to see full list. Finally Michigan medicine made to T10 and deserves it .

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Hi. Did RIT accepted SUNY Upstate medical calls go out yet?

I interviewed in January and heard back Feb. 15th. When did you interview?

This is earlier than before. They usually leave 2 weeks til May 1. They just briefed their BSMD students on the new curriculum. Shorter didactice. Longer clinical. First year got more hands-on. More mentoring done with undergrads and MS1 by older BSMD MS. Newer BSMD students will go through campus assigment like the regular admits. Last year, they gave the accepted group 1 week to accept or turn down their offers, then they would start to go down the WL.

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Lot of unhappy people that were assigned to Temple this year. How did the Baylor students fare on campus assignment?

Current cohort got grandfathered in. Newer cohort will not be the same. I suspect they will go down th WL more this year than others if the top 6 got top undergrad offerings. Baylor U education is solid, but its reputation still doesn’t measure up to the Ivy League, plus they got the reputation for being ultra conservative, which liberal families don’t care for.

I understand the disappointment, but the Temple campus has three largest hospitals for that region. It’s supposed to have all the specialties. Hopefully, it won’t be too bad. The Dean there sounds super ambitious2, but nice. I’m sure he will make it work because his future depends on it.

 the best thing you can do is
 go to orientation for Syracuse where u will get an opportunity to meet with fellow folks in the same program
or try Instagram (now famous for all college folks) and u maybe lucky

It is the first year and students didnt know how they are going to select the campus. Apparently many who wanted Houston got sent there but there is not many choosing Temple as number 1. Future students will be prepared in terms of whether they want to rank BCM number 1 and be prepared to go to Temple and if not, they wont rank them 1.

Interviewed Feb 22. Still haven’t heard back.

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Did people get asked for their preferences? I thought they said it’s a random assignment

They were asked and most seem to have picked Houston. They have some groupmes and 30+ out of 40 were not happy according to someone in that group for Temple.

The appeal process seemed not that great. One student apparently lives 5 minutes from medcenter and they said they were going to be able to save a great deal of money living at home and that was not one listed as an acceptable reason.

Why bother to ask if they’re going to randomly assign anyway? So glad we got grandfathered out. I don’t think my big-city kid would survive 4 years in Waco and another 4 years in Temple. Other than that, the three clinical hospitals where they’ll do their rotations seem fine. They are all huge complexes and have all the highest certifications to treat patients in the Central Texas region. That Baylor Scott & White Med Center is supposed to be the largest (with the highest trauma treatment capability) between Austin and Dallas.
I guess BCM thinks that students can always get loans and pay back when they start working if their parents don’t or can’t afford the additional cost of room and board. They also could have assumed that people who live 5min from the TMC must be people with money lol.

I would opt for random assignments except for special situations. Kids need to go out of their comfort zone.

At Penn, some rotations need car so they give a choice. DS picks those sites :smiling_face: