***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

I do not know about Case but read in this forum that some from PItt BS MD who applied out and got into Harvard medical school.

Baylor U and Pitt have the affordable factor to their advantage. More so than Case, and much more so than Brown. In my book, any undergrad that has the facilities and access to what students need to excel is a good undergrad for premeds. For example, R1 research universities definitely have more opportunities to participate in undergrad research. Universities that have access to hospitals, clinics, nursing homes within a 10 miles radius will have access to facilities where students can volunteer or work to earn their volunteer/clinical hours. To do well in the MCAT foundational courses, professors to students ratio should be low enough to have an engaging environment.

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True Brown isnā€™t ranked T20, but if you look at the match list it is just as good as those ranked well above it

@srk2017 I donā€™t understand why you dislike Brown so much. Even if its just for traditional premed it is an extremely strong program. Almost 2/3 of all physicians in the state are affiliated with the school because it is the only medical teaching institution in the stateā€¦ you cannot say that about any other school except west virginia and opportunities for premed are very plentiful with the only level 1 trauma center in a 15 mile radius only 5 minutes away from campus.


Brown vs Pitt vs Case vs Baylor is a theoretical exercise.

ALL students have to evaluate among their acceptances and very few students will have admits to all these schools.


I have no dislike for Brown or any other school (May be BU because of one parent, just kidding :grinning:). I was talking about the cost only and even though itā€™s Ivy itā€™s not same level as others to justify the cost.

Cleveland Clinic match list is combined with Case I believe.

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End of the day all these Four top B S MD programs and their med schools have capability for a student to match well as the match list of all 4 are equivalent.

It is personal preference if you are lucky and have offer to more than one if these.

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Well, this thread is almost done, so let old timers keep the discussion going :rofl:

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Hopefully, that will inspire someone to share their experiences in the RESULTS thread! :wink:

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My daughter has been accepted to VCU GMED this cycle. I am wondering how yours has liked VCU and the program thus far.

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@junebug20 Met an Indian parent today who said they paid in full for Baylor a few years ago as a premed. I was very surprised because most other Indian kids who sent their kids to Baylor went there because of their large scholarships although they were wary of the required religion classes or other imposed rules.

This is surprising as most ORMā€™ā€™s have decent scholarship at Baylor undergrad.

Also Baylor medical college tuition is very attractive and reasonable like most Texas medical colleges. Baylor large medical center has one of best residency programs and lot of opportunities in medical school. With Rice it was one of the top B S MD program with local access to Baylor medical research facilities with T20 undergrad and med school like Northwestern HPME. I know my friends son left HPME few years ago join to Rice Baylor BS MD Program. Currently is in top plastic surgery residency program. Unfortunately both good programs are discontinued.

For the past decade have known students from both Rice Baylor and HPME a who have done very well in med school and matched to top residency programs. Does the undergrad impact or not needs to be compared on how the Baylor Baylor BS MD Program does as compared to how Rice Baylor BS MD Students matched.

Itā€™s not too bad. The religion classes are taught as history. Even the chapel is very modernized. We were prepared for the worst, but it hasnā€™t been near that. Most people are very mindful of others. There are always some who want to steer the agenda rightmost, but they are parents. They complain loudly that Baylor is wishy-washy on religions, but their kids like where they are, so those parents keep complaining but keep paying.

The admin is doing their best to show that parents got their moneyā€™s worth. I tend to agree. My son got easy access to professors. These may not be Nobel winners but they put their studentsā€™ interests first. During one visit with his ochem professor, my son learned that his professorā€™s walls are full of pictures from his former studentsā€™ white coat ceremonies. There were quite a few 520+ MCAT scores. During the 2020-2021 school year, they offered all in-person classes to freshmen, if the students chose to. It was expensive to operate with most everything open while most other colleges have so many restrictions on in-person interactions, but they offer options for important things to be in-person, even mealtimes. Their Honors College got special arrangements with some of the best research centers in the US. For example, Fred Hutchinson & MD Anderson give them two internship positions (2 out of a total of 15 positions at Hutch). MD Anderson also has other arrangements with them outside of the Honors College. The school poured resources into hiring endowed chairs, creating research labs in all disciplines, honing their best minds and encouraging them to go for national scholarships. They reached R1 research university last year and produced record Fullbright Scholars among others. There Medical Humanities department established relationships with local physicians to give their students opportunities to shadow as part of their education. Baylor has quite a few practicing and retired physicians on their teaching staff. A soon-to-be-retired physician will be in charge of creating more medicine-oriented biology classes for the biology department. Baylor is also the first to offer the MBA for Healthcare (modeled after a similar program with the Army) with the option for either a 9-month paid internship (the program managers handpicks these placements with the intention for them to be their studentsā€™ first job after graduation) or a followup med/dent/vet school matriculation. The prehealth office is going through a major campaign to link up with prehealth student organizations to better serve this student population and help them achieve their career goals. As a soon-to-be-senior, my son is proud to be at the rein of this development, together with establishing mentorship among B2B members. Baylor COM is also in the mid of establishing a new curriculum with early hands-on and more clinical rotations, plus mentorship for their feeder programs. Iā€™m so excited for him!

Letā€™s just say that Baylor is a pleasant surprise. Before 2020, I never would have thought that both of my children would be Baylor grads.


Do Baylor/Baylor people leave for other medical schools?

B2B students are well indoctrinated. Given the long history of Baylor U and BCM, most see themselves at BCM in their next leg of the journey. They donā€™t bother with the Committee Letter process. That can be a detriment if one wants to apply out. The Committee process starts around Dec their jr year, but they usually donā€™t take the MCAT until the spring. By the time they get their MCAT scores an realize that they could apply out, itā€™s already too late for the committee letter. There are still around 50 med schools favoring that format over the individual LORs. No one wants to apply out and has to face the wrath of the BCM Deans. When BCM was still on the AMCAS, the Deans would call those who applied out in and have a talk with them. Guess what? The students would change their minds about applying out. They must have felt like getting caught with their hands still in the cookie jar. At that age, theyā€™re still self-conscious and hate being called out. Now, Iā€™m not sure if BCM would know about those applying out through the AMCAS. Still, going without a committee letter if applying out and having a low cost for med school at BCM are major factors when one considers applying out.

I do not see a reason why you will apply out leaving low cost program. Baylor matches well across nation and for residency you can have demographic change out of state.

Comparing the top 4 Bs MD programs from med school Tution cost perspectiveā€¦

Baylor has the lowest medical school COA which 1/4 for instate and 1/2 for out of state tution as compared to other Pitt, Case and Brown medical schools which are all above 60 k tution per year.

Does some one know how Texas med schools can maintain low tution ?

You are as cost conscious as I am, but to a lot of people from wealthy families, prestige is more important to them. The only program I would consider urging my son to apply out to is NYU, not for the prestige but for the 3-year direct specialty match option, but given NYUā€™s committee letter preference, itā€™s a no-go. The cost will only be slightly higher. However, he already has his plan for BCM and does not want to think about NYU and living in NYC.

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Agreeā€¦ Many see the Doctor by their MD (or residency or hospitals they work) and not by their High school or UG (to my knowlege) :slight_smile:

Also $$s should also be thought on this . Do u want to spent $300+K for UG (in brand name) ā€¦ plus ā€œmaybeā€ more to ā€œbolster your resumeā€ (by visiting abroad or volunteer) .

Some also have family connection like parents being doctor etc., with strong LOR, access ā€¦ so a good/decent UG with good students to professors ratio is needed for others.

Again, I am not saying ā€œCommunity collegeā€ is same as ā€œBrown/Yale/whateverā€ :slight_smile: but see if the college suit you. (You donā€™t need to be in Nadal academy to learn tennis or Payton academy to learn Football but your passion and student to coach ratio matters)

IMO, I have seen students from Barkley , UofW struggle to get into MD (either due to grade deflation or competition) vs Students from (Arkansas) or Texas get in to their state MD program with no issues and do residency in better program latter(not degrading any of them).

So letā€™s not get carried away by ā€œBrandā€ ( that too here itā€™s nearly 10 yearsā€¦ not like 5-6 years in Asia or other countriesā€¦ so got to watch everything )

TBHā€¦ I bet you the ā€œkids donā€™t give a rat backā€ on this :man_facepalming: ā€¦ may be itā€™s for the parents ā€œegoā€ ( ā€¦ itā€™s always like a ā€œbeauty pageant for kidsā€ā€¦ guess whoā€™s more animatedā€¦ the parents ā€¦ not the kids :slight_smile:

Yes, I said few times over the years, self assessment is the key to the success not just the prestige of the school and not the failures of other students. Prestige does help those who knows how to leverage it.

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