***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

They only select about 30% of applicants to be interviewed by ADHC.
Hope you make it!

Is this for BS/MD or just the Honors interview you are mentioning about? We got the BS/MD interview even before the BS admission decision

so ADHC doesn’t have anything to do with BS/MD interview? Are they both separate? I thought, unless we get honors interview, we are not forward to BS/MD

Where did you see scores are no longer required for Stony Brook’s BS/MD Program?

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oh wow, I didn’t know it wold work that way. I have no interview updates, what so ever on Honors program or from BS/MD

Albert Dorman Honors College

You got an interview invite from NJMS (not NJIT-Honors)?

You are correct.
NJIT-Honors first does the interview and then decides whom to forward to NJMS for the medical school interview.
I am very surprised @Collegemom80 got BS/MD interview already.

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Thank you @NoviceDad . Do you know how long does NJIT normally take to send out honors interviews from the time of acceptance into BS?

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Please check the interview invite. I strongly suspect thr interview would be for ADHC and not fpr NJMS
 Some also call it as the undergraduate (or honors) interview for BSMD 
 This is the first step.
I strongly suspect it would not be the NJMS med school interview.
Pls check and let others know so they can know what is going on, at the same time it may help you understand your situation better if there is any misunderstanding on your part.

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Agree with the above.

Also checking last year’s thread will give an idea of timeframes when such invites go out from each of the programs.

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Sorry for any confusion my message caused. I didn’t word it correctly I guess. My DD did get the first level interview invite (completed interview before Thanksgiving) from ADHC. It was the first step for BS/MD interview process.

She didn’t get the NJIT undergraduate admissions decision back then. She got it only last week. Hope it clarifies things.


NJIT has in the past sent out Honors College interview invites through December.
There is not set date.

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Got rejection siena

Mt dd got email from siena yesterday rejection.
Also she got email from rowan bsmd/do email today.
Does anyone got same email? Also any one know how many ppl selected each?

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The below thread shows some stats for Union/AMC. There were no numbers for Siena. But you can relate to more or less similar numbers to Siena. Good luck with rest of BS/MD applications.

Does the Pitt GAP App have to be completed in one sitting? I finished the Medical and Community sections, made sure to save it, and then logged out. But when I later signed in to continue working, those sections were empty

Does anyone know rowan / copper MD program?
My dd got email for move forward.

Better to type out your answers outside of the portal and then upload.


Cooper MD program is good. I know few people who went to school there and doing well. Dont know about the undergrad program or if people in the program are making thru to MD without issues which should be main concern for any BS/MD program.

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