Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


We all respect the useful information you provide here about BSMD. However, you don’t have to refute every pro-regular route MD statement. Both your and @grtd2010 statements are true and valid. There will be kids that fall into either of those extreme buckets and everywhere in the middle. I know a kid who exceeded both of those conditions from SLU’s EAP program, that does not mean everyone can get a 520 on GMAT especially when the required score for SLU is only 500.

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Rutgers released its scholarships … not sure if its for us only… but it very bad :frowning:

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Did you get an email?

As we are talking SLU. Here are few old responses.


a) If you are not able to maintain GPA, than why to even bother to pursue medicine.
b) If you are smart enough to maintain GPA, why tied yourself to one medical school.

yes. got to the parents email.

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How much they offered for scholarship?

10k for NB (Honors)
15k for Newark

How much did you receive ?

I thought Rutgers gave full ride undergrad for BSMD ??? I’m confused now

why are you concerned about GMAT?

we too thought the same :frowning:

I think you meant MCAT and not GMAT? :slight_smile: unless there are multiple intentions and goals to follow concurrently.

You are misreading the point. The general premise that has been floating around on these threads for years is that if someone is smart and bold, traditional route is the only route they have to take and shoot for whatever. Otherwise they are timid, incompetent, whatever … Well every kid on this forum is smart and doesn’t have to subscribe without assessing the pros and cons and reality check of what the above entails.

Another misconception routinely floated that the stats is all that gets one into their dream programs. Wish it were, but simply not true. I delved over a dozen or so factors that come into med school admissions earlier in the thread as well as last year’s if interested to check.

RK wants everyone to take BSMD route and not open to discussions. BTW, 2017 batch one girl gave up HPME and PLME for Stanford and so far she has Harvard and Stanford admissions without any gap years. My kid has similar successes. We will post in BSMD experience thread once all the decisions are out.

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LOL… I am not concerned about SAT/ACT, GMAT (or MCAT) :grinning:

I can’t edit the original post anymore to a more relevant MCAT from GMAT :innocent:

@rk2017 - you constantly come up with failure stories and try to scare everyone and push everyone into BSMD. You also say anyone who aims for schools like top schools are prestige obsession and question rankings. So people like me counter with stronger responses. You also claim everyone at BU are get 99 or 100 percentile scores with no prep and no one believes that. I always said everyone makes their own choice and I am happy for your D’s success at BU. The discussion should never be about our kids but to help the community in an objective way. Not every parent can afford $500K for BSMD.


Not yet.

I think there are cases where stellar students have gotten into T10 medical schools and there are also cases where equally stellar students who have drawn a blank.

And stats also indicate ~65% of students who matriculate have >=1 gaps years with the share of students >=2 gaps years is high percentage of the T10 schools.
And these stats are of students who applied.
God only knows how many curtailed their dreams after doing poorly in the weed-out classes.

And we know couple of "B"s in BS/MD will not kill your medical school seat but as a traditional pre-med it can seriously derail your medical school journey.

As long as folks are aware of the trade-offs they are taking, their decision is the right for them.



Words of wisdom :+1:

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The problem is the definition of “Stellar”. For ORMs it means GPA and MCAT, but admissions committee you need to have good ECs and then articulate about ECs in the essays and have strong LORs to support that. some adcoms on other site recommends everyone do 1000+ clinical hours but my S did only 100+ but it has strong purpose. He didn’t go for EMT and Scribing everyone does. His other volunteering hours are also less but he was very innovative with his activities not just blindly doing them. His research LOR is the highest one, one can get and his PI has a big lab and doing research close to 20 years. Despite all these his results were unpredictable but he got into two of top 5 schools (again depends on what ranking listing you are looking) and one of them is in-state so lower cost.

I for one never said take traditional path only and consistently said it all depends on the kid and it’s not an easy path but one person always brings up failure scenarios every time this topic comes without giving full details. At the same time gloats that kids at one school are so intelligent that they are scoring 100 percentile in MCAT in their sleep!


does anyone recall when NJMS acceptances came out in prev years?