Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

My DC has acceptances to both Seton Hall BSMD and Toledo Baac2MD, so in need of advice from the veterans of this forum @srk2017 @rk2017 @NoviceDad @GoldenRock @grtd2010 as to which one should we advice my DC to consider? Both are OOS for us and DC recived some scholarships in each one of them. Final decision is about choosing a program which can help achieve my DC’s end goal of becoming a physician without any surprises that the program will throw in terms of weed outs. My DC is a hardworking and studious student who wants to just complete the program requirements and move to medical school with out any surprises and is not interested in applying out or anything. Appreciate your inputs.

Congratulations on having two options. Wish I can throw more light, but frankly don’t have enough info on Toledo. Someone shared some stats on Seton Hall here a while ago (guess from their web site) and they seemed convincing enough about a decent student’s chances of making it to the med school. It is relatively newer program and obviously some students, especially in state ones, choose to apply out to more established names like Robert Wood Johnson and likely to go there. So that may give a wrong impression on the matriculation success rate into med school there. It has the solid partnership with Meridian health and so good chances of residency placements as long as one is not shooting for fancy specialities. I have a favorable opinion on Seton Hall. Both the undergrad and med school are in very urban areas (but upscale), so nothing fancy about campus and ambience, not sure how big of a consideration it will be for you.

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@rk2017 - Yeah, you are right . My calculations were off since the total cost of SLU is 65K per year and not 75K per year as I assumed. However, I was right about the VP scholarship. It is 92K total value for 4 years with 23k per year per their website. This results in the total cost to be only 167000 for undergrad. With this, SLU becomes even more lucrative :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Vicky2019 you are spoon feeding the parents and students here now :smile: :wink:

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strong text[quote=“2FutureBSMDsMom, post:9276, topic:2096007, full:true”]
My DC has acceptances to both Seton Hall BSMD and Toledo Baac2MD, so in need of advice from the veterans of this forum @srk2017 @rk2017 @NoviceDad @GoldenRock @grtd2010 as to which one should we advice my DC to consider? Both are OOS for us and DC recived some scholarships in each one of them. Final decision is about choosing a program which can help achieve my DC’s end goal of becoming a physician without any surprises that the program will throw in terms of weed outs. My DC is a hardworking and studious student who wants to just complete the program requirements and move to medical school with out any surprises and is not interested in applying out or anything. Appreciate your inputs.

Unfortunately I don’t know anything about them. Best is list the requirements for both, costs and what’s important for your child. For example look on SDN why X vs Y threads and come up with list. Also, you can find more about those medial schools there.

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Also, on @Vicky2019 's inspiration :slight_smile: had a quick look up, the undergrad expense for Seton Hall will be a bargain. The Hackensack med school is of course expensive, on par with most other private med schools. But you are free to apply out and prefer to go to more well known private med schools if you choose to for the same cost. Access to NYC may be a good factor for pursuing ECs.


What would be considered fancy specialties? Anything Non-primary care or specific?


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Thank you, @Vicky2019 for the kind words.

Yeah, I had started a new thread without realizing @NoviceDad already having one. I deleted that thread and pasted that in the results thread instead.

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Vascular surgery

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Between these two, probably Seton Hall BSMD seems a better choice, IMO.

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@speedskater - Good point! i will remove some key words.

Do RPI/AMC applicants receive an RPI decision today, or not?

Is this a type of residency after MD? Or its done after Internal Medicine (or some other kind of residency)?

Google says it is 5 years of General Surgery residency + 2 years of vascular surgery fellowship.


@Vicky2019 @grtd2010 Lol…I realized that. Oh well, if you know me, you know me. Anyways, everybody start as strangers. :slight_smile:


Hello, I was wondering what types of questions are asked in these BS/MD interviews and how do you all suggest I prepare for them?

I don’t know anything about these 2 schools. Toledo is a small industrial city and crossed all the times during travel when I lived in Michigan 30+ years back.

Yes, it is a general surgery residency (5 years) after MD, followed by 2 year fellowship specialization as you have googled. By the time, one starts own practice, one will be 34-35 years old (one have to pass a few examinations in between, including boards).