Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

NJIT/NJMS or other feeder schools/NJMS: Process is something like this:

  1. You apply to the feeder school
  2. Feeder school admits you
  3. Feeder school undertakes interview to assess if they want to send your application to NJMS (sometimes steps 2 and 3 may happen in reverse order). This happens in Nov - December.
  4. They will then forward your application to NJMS
  5. NJMS will do its own review
  6. It may call you for an interview. If it does not, your process stops. Interviews happen from Jan to March.
  7. After the NJMS interview, they may or may not offer admission.
  8. If offered, your feeder school will notify you. This may go on till April.

Thanks @NoviceDad !

@rk2017 , Yesterday my daughter attended Boston BS/MD information session. They mentioned clearly that if you’re not accepted into BS/MD, you cannot again request to apply for regular undergraduate. They were suggesting to apply to regular undergrad or EAP program if you’re really interested in Boston as BS/MD is very competitive. I heard from this thread earlier that you can request them to move your application to regular pool. I am not sure if this is something changed starting from this year. Do you have any update on this?


Unless they have made an explicit policy this year. In the past it was not.
Sadly they won’t tell you also explicitly that you are not selected for BS/MD interview.
But by the time line (like no interview notification by march 1) students have called and requested to consider for regular UG and they have switched and also few students have got admission. I know for sure at least in 2016 cycle since my C got admission to BU UG (though originally applied only to BS/MD). Also I have seen similar posts in subsequent cycles.

Just to discourage are they saying? It is crazy. If you are so keen about BU UG, think twice, otherwise simply apply to BS/MD.

Thanks @GoldenRock ! I know, it’s crazy. That’s what they said too. If you really like BU then you reconsider if you want to apply for BS/MD or regular undergrad. It’s a tough for the kids who really like BU as the you never know about BS/MD process and at the same time it’s hard to take out that college from your bs/md list.

Be realistic about your chances for BU SMED based on the strength of your application and stats. For pre-med, any 4 year institution including your state university will do. One can produce a competitive regular route MD application from any 4 year institution. It is not such a hard decision to make
a choice between BU UG and BU SMED. Flip a coin if you can not decide yourself rationally. BU UG has an EAP option available too.

Just a word of caution, the number of applicants to BU SMED may be unusually higher this year. This is a trend seen in the regular MD applications this year.

Does anyone know approx. how many students are accepted into GW/GW 7 year BSMD program each year?

@mygrad2021 -

If you are truly interested and competitive for BSMDs, do opt for BSMD BU SMED program. Believe it or not, not having the UG option in BU will not hurt in the long run. You should not give up BSMD for UG.

BSMD calibre students usually end up with lot of choices. Some of these choices are -

=> 1-multiple BSMD seats
=> Admission to 1-multiple Undergrads with T25-30 college us news ranking colleges
=> Full scholarship if a National Merit Finalist
=> Admission to almost all Undergrad institutions (except BU) when applying for BSMD. Usually colleges are thrilled to get BSMD calibre students when normally they would have a lower calibre student body.

=> Partial scholarships for most BSMD calibre students is offered along with admissions.

Bottomline is - most students will give up their various options if they are interested in BSMD & end up getting a seat!!!

FYI, “=> Full scholarship if a National Merit Finalist” is NOT true at BU and PSU( PSU/SKMC) UG. It is a presidential scholarship( ~ 25k), not a full tuition scholarship for BU UG( one does not have to be a BSMD applicant to get the presidential scholarship for a NMF).

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Deadline to apply to this is coming up and we are still debating about this. There is very less info about BSMD on GW website. Will be nice to know what is the range of acceptance they give and how many applications they receive. Any information will be appreciated.

When did your daughter apply? My daughter applied before November 1 and her admission status only says Decided, but not accepted or denied.

NJIT will send you a notification either way- may be by USPS mail. BSMD interview decision at NJIT level (feeder school) is done only after NJIT has admitted the applicant. If NJIT selects to forward your application to NJMS, they will decide whom to call for an interview at NJMS.

FYI, You can apply to BU EAP after you have joined BU UG, not as a high school applicant.

BU as regular undergrad offers no additional benefit than your local state college.
So, apply BS/MD.

Apply BS/MD and if things do not work out, call them on Feb 28 and ask them to change to regular undergrad. They will most likely honor that request.

Also, All decisions on which college to attend should be done after looking at all offers on hand. You will have till May 1 to decide.

About 1,100 apply, they interview about 35, for a total cohort size of around 8 to 11.


A word of caution:

BS/MD roller-coaster ride will continue till April of next year.
This year, with potential changes in many program processes, it may even be a wild roller-coaster ride.

Starting December when interview calls will be sent out, there will be moments where you will begin to doubt yourself, the process and it may feel the sky is falling.
This is equivalent to a 80 degree drop in a roller-coaster ride.
This phase and the feelings are completely natural.
Do NOT panic at such times.

Remember you are in for a long haul and if you are a parent, please support your child in this process.

Right now though focus on getting the applications in.
It is 9 days to Nov 15 deadlines.

@melslemonade , My daughter applied on 25th and noticed Decided on her portal 3 days ago. the next day she received an email to check the portal about the decision and portal changed to Admitted. They mentioned that it may take longer to receive the information in USPS mail due to COVID.

Thank you all for your guidance!

This year for sure going to be crazy and the number of applicants going to be very high because most likely majority of interviews are going to be online and not in person.

That is the pattern reported for the regular MD and also for Residency Application.
Residency cycle instead of the normal 25+ places students are applying to 50+ places since no need to travel (time and cost is saved). Same thing for MD instead of 7000+, close to 10000 applications per school etc.,

@grtd2010 -

Yes ofcourse, you are right. I was thinking of adding the phrase “Full scholarship if a National Merit Finalist for some BSMD programs” but seems my thoughts didn’t get translated into my writing :slight_smile: